Source code for b2sdk.encryption.setting

# File: b2sdk/encryption/
# Copyright 2021 Backblaze Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# License

import enum
import logging
from typing import Optional, Union
import urllib
import urllib.parse

from ..http_constants import SSE_C_KEY_ID_FILE_INFO_KEY_NAME, SSE_C_KEY_ID_HEADER
from ..utils import b64_of_bytes, md5_of_bytes
from .types import EncryptionAlgorithm, EncryptionMode

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class _UnknownKeyId(enum.Enum):
    """The purpose of this enum is to provide a sentinel that can be used with type annotations."""
    unknown_key_id = 0

UNKNOWN_KEY_ID = _UnknownKeyId.unknown_key_id
Value for EncryptionKey.key_id that signifies that the key id may or may not be defined. Useful when establishing
encryption settings based on user input (and not based on B2 cloud data).

[docs]class EncryptionKey: """ Hold information about encryption key: the key itself, and its id. The id may be None, if it's not set in encrypted file's fileInfo, or UNKNOWN_KEY_ID when that information is missing. The secret may be None, if encryption metadata is read from the server. """ SECRET_REPR = '******'
[docs] def __init__(self, secret: Optional[bytes], key_id: Union[str, None, _UnknownKeyId]): self.secret = secret self.key_id = key_id
def __eq__(self, other): return self.secret == other.secret and self.key_id == other.key_id def __repr__(self): key_repr = self.SECRET_REPR if self.secret is None: key_repr = None if self.key_id is UNKNOWN_KEY_ID: key_id_repr = 'unknown' else: key_id_repr = repr(self.key_id) return '<%s(%s, %s)>' % (self.__class__.__name__, key_repr, key_id_repr) def as_dict(self): """ Dump EncryptionKey as dict for serializing a to json for requests. """ if self.secret is not None: return { 'customerKey': self.key_b64(), 'customerKeyMd5': self.key_md5(), } return { 'customerKey': self.SECRET_REPR, 'customerKeyMd5': self.SECRET_REPR, } def key_b64(self): return b64_of_bytes(self.secret) def key_md5(self): return b64_of_bytes(md5_of_bytes(self.secret))
[docs]class EncryptionSetting: """ Hold information about encryption mode, algorithm and key (for bucket default, file version info or even upload) """
[docs] def __init__( self, mode: EncryptionMode, algorithm: EncryptionAlgorithm = None, key: EncryptionKey = None, ): """ :param b2sdk.v1.EncryptionMode mode: encryption mode :param b2sdk.v1.EncryptionAlgorithm algorithm: encryption algorithm :param b2sdk.v1.EncryptionKey key: encryption key object for SSE-C """ self.mode = mode self.algorithm = algorithm self.key = key if self.mode == EncryptionMode.NONE and (self.algorithm or self.key): raise ValueError("cannot specify algorithm or key for 'plaintext' encryption mode") if self.mode in ENCRYPTION_MODES_WITH_MANDATORY_ALGORITHM and not self.algorithm: raise ValueError('must specify algorithm for encryption mode %s' % (self.mode,)) if self.mode in ENCRYPTION_MODES_WITH_MANDATORY_KEY and not self.key: raise ValueError( 'must specify key for encryption mode %s and algorithm %s' % (self.mode, self.algorithm) )
def __eq__(self, other): if other is None: raise ValueError('cannot compare a known encryption setting to an unknown one') return self.mode == other.mode and self.algorithm == other.algorithm and self.key == other.key def serialize_to_json_for_request(self): if self.key and self.key.secret is None: raise ValueError('cannot use an unknown key in requests') return self.as_dict()
[docs] def as_dict(self): """ Represent the setting as a dict, for example: .. code-block:: python { 'mode': 'SSE-C', 'algorithm': 'AES256', 'customerKey': 'U3hWbVlxM3Q2djl5JEImRSlIQE1jUWZUalduWnI0dTc=', 'customerKeyMd5': 'SWx9GFv5BTT1jdwf48Bx+Q==' } .. code-block:: python { 'mode': 'SSE-B2', 'algorithm': 'AES256' } or .. code-block:: python { 'mode': 'none' } """ result = {'mode': self.mode.value} if self.algorithm is not None: result['algorithm'] = self.algorithm.value if self.mode == EncryptionMode.SSE_C: result.update(self.key.as_dict()) return result
def add_to_upload_headers(self, headers): if self.mode == EncryptionMode.NONE: # as of 2021-03-16, server always fails it headers['X-Bz-Server-Side-Encryption'] = elif self.mode == EncryptionMode.SSE_B2: self._add_sse_b2_headers(headers) elif self.mode == EncryptionMode.SSE_C: if self.key.key_id is UNKNOWN_KEY_ID: raise ValueError('Cannot upload a file with an unknown key id') self._add_sse_c_headers(headers) if self.key.key_id is not None: header = SSE_C_KEY_ID_HEADER if headers.get(header) is not None and headers[header] != self.key.key_id: raise ValueError( 'Ambiguous key id set: "%s" in headers and "%s" in %s' % (headers[header], self.key.key_id, self.__class__.__name__) ) headers[header] = urllib.parse.quote(str(self.key.key_id)) else: raise NotImplementedError('unsupported encryption setting: %s' % (self,)) def add_to_download_headers(self, headers): if self.mode == EncryptionMode.NONE: return elif self.mode == EncryptionMode.SSE_B2: self._add_sse_b2_headers(headers) elif self.mode == EncryptionMode.SSE_C: self._add_sse_c_headers(headers) else: raise NotImplementedError('unsupported encryption setting: %s' % (self,)) def _add_sse_b2_headers(self, headers): headers['X-Bz-Server-Side-Encryption'] = def _add_sse_c_headers(self, headers): if self.key.secret is None: raise ValueError('Cannot use an unknown key in http headers') headers['X-Bz-Server-Side-Encryption-Customer-Algorithm'] = headers['X-Bz-Server-Side-Encryption-Customer-Key'] = self.key.key_b64() headers['X-Bz-Server-Side-Encryption-Customer-Key-Md5'] = self.key.key_md5() def add_key_id_to_file_info(self, file_info: Optional[dict]): if self.key is None or self.key.key_id is None: return file_info if self.key.key_id is UNKNOWN_KEY_ID: raise ValueError('Cannot add an unknown key id to file info') if file_info is None: file_info = {} if file_info.get(SSE_C_KEY_ID_FILE_INFO_KEY_NAME) is not None and file_info[ SSE_C_KEY_ID_FILE_INFO_KEY_NAME] != self.key.key_id: raise ValueError( 'Ambiguous key id set: "%s" in file_info and "%s" in %s' % ( file_info[SSE_C_KEY_ID_FILE_INFO_KEY_NAME], self.key.key_id, self.__class__.__name__ ) ) file_info[SSE_C_KEY_ID_FILE_INFO_KEY_NAME] = self.key.key_id return file_info def __repr__(self): return '<%s(%s, %s, %s)>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.mode, self.algorithm, self.key)
class EncryptionSettingFactory: # 2021-03-17: for the bucket the response of the server is: # if authorized to read: # "mode": "none" # or # "mode": "SSE-B2" # if not authorized to read: # isClientAuthorizedToRead is False and there is no value, so no mode # # BUT file_version (get_file_info, list_file_versions, upload_file etc) # if the file is encrypted, then # "serverSideEncryption": {"algorithm": "AES256", "mode": "SSE-B2"}, # or # "serverSideEncryption": {"algorithm": "AES256", "mode": "SSE-C"}, # if the file is not encrypted, then "serverSideEncryption" is not present at all @classmethod def from_file_version_dict(cls, file_version_dict: dict) -> EncryptionSetting: """ Returns EncryptionSetting for the given file_version_dict retrieved from the api .. code-block:: python ... "serverSideEncryption": {"algorithm": "AES256", "mode": "SSE-B2"}, "fileInfo": {"sse_c_key_id": "key-identifier"} ... """ sse = file_version_dict.get('serverSideEncryption') if sse is None: return EncryptionSetting(EncryptionMode.NONE) key_id = None file_info = file_version_dict.get('fileInfo') if file_info is not None and SSE_C_KEY_ID_FILE_INFO_KEY_NAME in file_info: key_id = urllib.parse.unquote(file_info[SSE_C_KEY_ID_FILE_INFO_KEY_NAME]) return cls._from_value_dict(sse, key_id=key_id) @classmethod def from_bucket_dict(cls, bucket_dict: dict) -> Optional[EncryptionSetting]: """ Returns EncryptionSetting for the given bucket dict retrieved from the api, or None if unauthorized Example inputs: .. code-block:: python ... "defaultServerSideEncryption": { "isClientAuthorizedToRead" : true, "value": { "algorithm" : "AES256", "mode" : "SSE-B2" } } ... unset: .. code-block:: python ... "defaultServerSideEncryption": { "isClientAuthorizedToRead" : true, "value": { "mode" : "none" } } ... unknown: .. code-block:: python ... "defaultServerSideEncryption": { "isClientAuthorizedToRead" : false } ... """ default_sse = bucket_dict.get( 'defaultServerSideEncryption', {'isClientAuthorizedToRead': False}, ) if not default_sse['isClientAuthorizedToRead']: return EncryptionSetting(EncryptionMode.UNKNOWN) assert 'value' in default_sse return cls._from_value_dict(default_sse['value']) @classmethod def _from_value_dict(cls, value_dict, key_id=None): kwargs = {} if value_dict is None: kwargs['mode'] = EncryptionMode.NONE else: mode = EncryptionMode(value_dict['mode'] or 'none') kwargs['mode'] = mode algorithm = value_dict.get('algorithm') if algorithm is not None: kwargs['algorithm'] = EncryptionAlgorithm(algorithm) if mode == EncryptionMode.SSE_C: kwargs['key'] = EncryptionKey(key_id=key_id, secret=None) return EncryptionSetting(**kwargs) @classmethod def from_response_headers(cls, headers): if 'X-Bz-Server-Side-Encryption' in headers: mode = EncryptionMode.SSE_B2 algorithm = EncryptionAlgorithm(headers['X-Bz-Server-Side-Encryption']) return EncryptionSetting(mode, algorithm) if 'X-Bz-Server-Side-Encryption-Customer-Algorithm' in headers: mode = EncryptionMode.SSE_C algorithm = EncryptionAlgorithm( headers['X-Bz-Server-Side-Encryption-Customer-Algorithm'] ) key_id = headers.get(SSE_C_KEY_ID_HEADER) key = EncryptionKey(secret=None, key_id=key_id) return EncryptionSetting(mode, algorithm, key) return EncryptionSetting(EncryptionMode.NONE) SSE_NONE = EncryptionSetting(mode=EncryptionMode.NONE,) """ Commonly used "no encryption" setting """ SSE_B2_AES = EncryptionSetting( mode=EncryptionMode.SSE_B2, algorithm=EncryptionAlgorithm.AES256, ) """ Commonly used SSE-B2 setting """