Source code for b2sdk.file_version

# File: b2sdk/
# Copyright 2019 Backblaze Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# License

from typing import Dict, Optional, Union, TYPE_CHECKING

from .encryption.setting import EncryptionSetting, EncryptionSettingFactory
from .file_lock import FileRetentionSetting, LegalHold, NO_RETENTION_FILE_SETTING
from .utils.range_ import Range

    from .api import B2Api

class BaseFileVersion:
    Base class for representing file metadata in B2 cloud.

    :ivar size - size of the whole file (for "upload" markers)
    __slots__ = [

    def __init__(
        api: 'B2Api',
        id_: str,
        file_name: str,
        size: int,
        content_type: Optional[str],
        content_sha1: Optional[str],
        file_info: Dict[str, str],
        upload_timestamp: int,
        server_side_encryption: EncryptionSetting,
        file_retention: FileRetentionSetting = NO_RETENTION_FILE_SETTING,
        legal_hold: LegalHold = LegalHold.UNSET,
        self.api = api
        self.id_ = id_
        self.file_name = file_name
        self.size = size
        self.content_type = content_type
        self.content_sha1 = content_sha1
        self.file_info = file_info or {}
        self.upload_timestamp = upload_timestamp
        self.server_side_encryption = server_side_encryption
        self.legal_hold = legal_hold
        self.file_retention = file_retention

        if SRC_LAST_MODIFIED_MILLIS in self.file_info:
            self.mod_time_millis = int(self.file_info[SRC_LAST_MODIFIED_MILLIS])
            self.mod_time_millis = self.upload_timestamp

    def as_dict(self):
        """ represents the object as a dict which looks almost exactly like the raw api output for upload/list """
        result = {
            'fileId': self.id_,
            'fileName': self.file_name,
            'fileInfo': self.file_info,
            'serverSideEncryption': self.server_side_encryption.as_dict(),
            'legalHold': self.legal_hold.value,
            'fileRetention': self.file_retention.as_dict(),

        if self.size is not None:
            result['size'] = self.size
        if self.upload_timestamp is not None:
            result['uploadTimestamp'] = self.upload_timestamp
        if self.content_type is not None:
            result['contentType'] = self.content_type
        if self.content_sha1 is not None:
            result['contentSha1'] = self.content_sha1

        return result

    def __eq__(self, other):
        sentry = object()
        for attr in self._all_slots():
            if getattr(self, attr) != getattr(other, attr, sentry):
                return False
        return True

    def __repr__(self):
        return '%s(%s)' % (
            ', '.join(repr(getattr(self, attr)) for attr in self._all_slots())

    def _all_slots(self):
        """Return all slots for an object (for it's class and all parent classes). Useful in auxiliary methods."""
        all_slots = []
        for klass in self.__class__.__mro__[-1::-1]:
            all_slots.extend(getattr(klass, '__slots__', []))
        return all_slots

class FileVersion(BaseFileVersion):
    A structure which represents a version of a file (in B2 cloud).

    :ivar str\_: ``fileId``
    :ivar str ~.file_name: full file name (with path)
    :ivar ~.size: size in bytes, can be ``None`` (unknown)
    :ivar str ~.content_type: RFC 822 content type, for example ``"application/octet-stream"``
    :ivar ~.upload_timestamp: in milliseconds since :abbr:`epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00)`. Can be ``None`` (unknown).
    :ivar str ~.action: ``"upload"``, ``"hide"`` or ``"delete"``

    __slots__ = [

    def __init__(
        api: 'B2Api',
        id_: str,
        file_name: str,
        size: Union[int, None, str],
        content_type: Optional[str],
        content_sha1: Optional[str],
        file_info: Dict[str, str],
        upload_timestamp: int,
        account_id: str,
        bucket_id: str,
        action: str,
        content_md5: Optional[str],
        server_side_encryption: EncryptionSetting,
        file_retention: FileRetentionSetting = NO_RETENTION_FILE_SETTING,
        legal_hold: LegalHold = LegalHold.UNSET,
        self.account_id = account_id
        self.bucket_id = bucket_id
        self.content_md5 = content_md5
        self.action = action


    def as_dict(self):
        result = super().as_dict()
        result['accountId'] = self.account_id
        result['bucketId'] = self.bucket_id

        if self.action is not None:
            result['action'] = self.action
        if self.content_md5 is not None:
            result['contentMd5'] = self.content_md5

        return result

    def get_fresh_state(self) -> 'FileVersion':
        Fetch all the information about this file version and return a new FileVersion object.
        This method does NOT change the object it is called on.
        return self.api.get_file_info(self.id_)

[docs]class DownloadVersion(BaseFileVersion): """ A structure which represents metadata of an initialized download """ __slots__ = [ 'range_', 'content_disposition', 'content_length', 'content_language', '_expires', '_cache_control', 'content_encoding', ] def __init__( self, api: 'B2Api', id_: str, file_name: str, size: int, content_type: Optional[str], content_sha1: Optional[str], file_info: Dict[str, str], upload_timestamp: int, server_side_encryption: EncryptionSetting, range_: Range, content_disposition: Optional[str], content_length: int, content_language: Optional[str], expires, cache_control, content_encoding: Optional[str], file_retention: FileRetentionSetting = NO_RETENTION_FILE_SETTING, legal_hold: LegalHold = LegalHold.UNSET, ): self.range_ = range_ self.content_disposition = content_disposition self.content_length = content_length self.content_language = content_language self._expires = expires # TODO: parse the string representation of this timestamp to datetime in DownloadVersionFactory self._cache_control = cache_control # TODO: parse the string representation of this mapping to dict in DownloadVersionFactory self.content_encoding = content_encoding super().__init__( api=api, id_=id_, file_name=file_name, size=size, content_type=content_type, content_sha1=content_sha1, file_info=file_info, upload_timestamp=upload_timestamp, server_side_encryption=server_side_encryption, file_retention=file_retention, legal_hold=legal_hold, )
class FileVersionFactory(object): """ Construct :py:class:`b2sdk.v1.FileVersion` objects from api responses. """ def __init__(self, api: 'B2Api'): self.api = api def from_api_response(self, file_version_dict, force_action=None): """ Turn this: .. code-block:: python { "action": "hide", "fileId": "4_zBucketName_f103b7ca31313c69c_d20151230_m030117_c001_v0001015_t0000", "fileName": "randomdata", "size": 0, "uploadTimestamp": 1451444477000 } or this: .. code-block:: python { "accountId": "4aa9865d6f00", "bucketId": "547a2a395826655d561f0010", "contentLength": 1350, "contentSha1": "753ca1c2d0f3e8748320b38f5da057767029a036", "contentType": "application/octet-stream", "fileId": "4_z547a2a395826655d561f0010_f106d4ca95f8b5b78_d20160104_m003906_c001_v0001013_t0005", "fileInfo": {}, "fileName": "randomdata", "serverSideEncryption": {"algorithm": "AES256", "mode": "SSE-B2"} } into a :py:class:`b2sdk.v1.FileVersionInfo` object. """ assert file_version_dict.get('action') is None or force_action is None, \ 'action was provided by both info_dict and function argument' action = file_version_dict.get('action') or force_action file_name = file_version_dict['fileName'] id_ = file_version_dict['fileId'] if 'size' in file_version_dict: size = file_version_dict['size'] elif 'contentLength' in file_version_dict: size = file_version_dict['contentLength'] else: raise ValueError('no size or contentLength') upload_timestamp = file_version_dict.get('uploadTimestamp') content_type = file_version_dict.get('contentType') content_sha1 = file_version_dict.get('contentSha1') content_md5 = file_version_dict.get('contentMd5') file_info = file_version_dict.get('fileInfo') server_side_encryption = EncryptionSettingFactory.from_file_version_dict(file_version_dict) file_retention = FileRetentionSetting.from_file_version_dict(file_version_dict) legal_hold = LegalHold.from_file_version_dict(file_version_dict) return FileVersion( self.api, id_, file_name, size, content_type, content_sha1, file_info, upload_timestamp, file_version_dict['accountId'], file_version_dict['bucketId'], action, content_md5, server_side_encryption, file_retention, legal_hold, ) class DownloadVersionFactory(object): """ Construct :py:class:`b2sdk.v1.DownloadVersion` objects from download headers. """ def __init__(self, api: 'B2Api'): self.api = api @classmethod def range_and_size_from_header(cls, header): raw_range, raw_size = header.split('/') range_ = Range.from_header(raw_range) size = int(raw_size) return range_, size @classmethod def file_info_from_headers(cls, headers: dict) -> dict: file_info = {} prefix_len = len(FILE_INFO_HEADER_PREFIX_LOWER) for header_name, header_value in headers.items(): if header_name[:prefix_len].lower() == FILE_INFO_HEADER_PREFIX_LOWER: file_info_key = header_name[prefix_len:] file_info[file_info_key] = header_value return file_info def from_response_headers(self, headers): file_info = self.file_info_from_headers(headers) if 'Content-Range' in headers: range_, size = self.range_and_size_from_header(headers['Content-Range']) content_length = int(headers['Content-Length']) else: size = content_length = int(headers['Content-Length']) range_ = Range(0, max(size - 1, 0)) return DownloadVersion( api=self.api, id_=headers['x-bz-file-id'], file_name=headers['x-bz-file-name'], size=size, content_type=headers['content-type'], content_sha1=headers['x-bz-content-sha1'], file_info=file_info, upload_timestamp=int(headers['x-bz-upload-timestamp']), server_side_encryption=EncryptionSettingFactory.from_response_headers(headers), range_=range_, content_disposition=headers.get('Content-Disposition'), content_length=content_length, content_language=headers.get('Content-Language'), expires=headers.get('Expires'), cache_control=headers.get('Cache-Control'), content_encoding=headers.get('Content-Encoding'), file_retention=FileRetentionSetting.from_response_headers(headers), legal_hold=LegalHold.from_response_headers(headers), )
[docs]class FileIdAndName(object): """ A structure which represents a B2 cloud file with just `file_name` and `fileId` attributes. Used to return data from calls to b2_delete_file_version and b2_cancel_large_file. """ def __init__(self, file_id: str, file_name: str): self.file_id = file_id self.file_name = file_name
[docs] @classmethod def from_cancel_or_delete_response(cls, response): return cls(response['fileId'], response['fileName'])
[docs] def as_dict(self): """ represents the object as a dict which looks almost exactly like the raw api output for delete_file_version """ return {'action': 'delete', 'fileId': self.file_id, 'fileName': self.file_name}
def __eq__(self, other): return (self.file_id == other.file_id and self.file_name == other.file_name) def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s, %s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, repr(self.file_id), repr(self.file_name))