Source code for b2sdk.v1.bucket

# File: b2sdk/v1/
# Copyright 2021 Backblaze Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# License

from .download_dest import AbstractDownloadDestination
from .file_metadata import FileMetadata
from .file_version import FileVersionInfo, FileVersionInfoFactory, file_version_info_from_download_version
from typing import Optional, overload, Tuple
from b2sdk import _v2 as v2
from b2sdk.utils import validate_b2_file_name

# Overridden to retain the obsolete copy_file and start_large_file methods
# and to retain old style FILE_VERSION_FACTORY attribute
# and to retain old style download_file_by_name signature
# and to retain old style download_file_by_id signature (allowing for the new one as well)
# and to retain old style get_file_info_by_name return type
# and to to adjust to old style B2Api.get_file_info return type
# and to retain old style update return type
[docs]class Bucket(v2.Bucket): FILE_VERSION_FACTORY = staticmethod(FileVersionInfoFactory)
[docs] def copy_file( self, file_id, new_file_name, bytes_range=None, metadata_directive=None, content_type=None, file_info=None, destination_encryption: Optional[v2.EncryptionSetting] = None, source_encryption: Optional[v2.EncryptionSetting] = None, file_retention: Optional[v2.FileRetentionSetting] = None, legal_hold: Optional[v2.LegalHold] = None, ): """ Creates a new file in this bucket by (server-side) copying from an existing file. :param str file_id: file ID of existing file :param str new_file_name: file name of the new file :param tuple[int,int],None bytes_range: start and end offsets (**inclusive!**), default is the entire file :param b2sdk.v1.MetadataDirectiveMode,None metadata_directive: default is :py:attr:`b2sdk.v1.MetadataDirectiveMode.COPY` :param str,None content_type: content_type for the new file if metadata_directive is set to :py:attr:`b2sdk.v1.MetadataDirectiveMode.REPLACE`, default will copy the content_type of old file :param dict,None file_info: file_info for the new file if metadata_directive is set to :py:attr:`b2sdk.v1.MetadataDirectiveMode.REPLACE`, default will copy the file_info of old file :param b2sdk.v1.EncryptionSetting destination_encryption: encryption settings for the destination (``None`` if unknown) :param b2sdk.v1.EncryptionSetting source_encryption: encryption settings for the source (``None`` if unknown) :param b2sdk.v1.FileRetentionSetting file_retention: retention setting for the new file :param bool legal_hold: legalHold setting for the new file """ return self.api.session.copy_file( file_id, new_file_name, bytes_range, metadata_directive, content_type, file_info, self.id_, destination_server_side_encryption=destination_encryption, source_server_side_encryption=source_encryption, file_retention=file_retention, legal_hold=legal_hold, )
[docs] def start_large_file( self, file_name, content_type=None, file_info=None, file_retention: Optional[v2.FileRetentionSetting] = None, legal_hold: Optional[v2.LegalHold] = None, ): """ Start a large file transfer. :param str file_name: a file name :param str,None content_type: the MIME type, or ``None`` to accept the default based on file extension of the B2 file name :param dict,None file_info: a file info to store with the file or ``None`` to not store anything :param b2sdk.v1.FileRetentionSetting file_retention: retention setting for the new file :param bool legal_hold: legalHold setting for the new file """ validate_b2_file_name(file_name) return self.id_, file_name, content_type=content_type, file_info=file_info, file_retention=file_retention, legal_hold=legal_hold, )
[docs] def download_file_by_name( self, file_name: str, download_dest: AbstractDownloadDestination, progress_listener: Optional[v2.AbstractProgressListener] = None, range_: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, encryption: Optional[v2.EncryptionSetting] = None, ): """ Download a file by name. .. seealso:: :ref:`Synchronizer <sync>`, a *high-performance* utility that synchronizes a local folder with a Bucket. :param str file_name: a file name :param download_dest: an instance of the one of the following classes: \ :class:`~b2sdk.v1.DownloadDestLocalFile`,\ :class:`~b2sdk.v1.DownloadDestBytes`,\ :class:`~b2sdk.v1.PreSeekedDownloadDest`,\ or any sub class of :class:`~b2sdk.v1.AbstractDownloadDestination` :param progress_listener: a progress listener object to use, or ``None`` to not track progress :param range_: two integer values, start and end offsets :param encryption: encryption settings (``None`` if unknown) """ downloaded_file = super().download_file_by_name( file_name=file_name, progress_listener=progress_listener, range_=range_, encryption=encryption, ) try: return download_file_and_return_info_dict(downloaded_file, download_dest, range_) except ValueError as ex: if ex.args == ('no strategy suitable for download was found!',): raise AssertionError('no strategy suitable for download was found!') raise
@overload def download_file_by_id( self, file_id: str, download_dest: AbstractDownloadDestination = None, progress_listener: Optional[v2.AbstractProgressListener] = None, range_: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, encryption: Optional[v2.EncryptionSetting] = None, ) -> dict: ... @overload def download_file_by_id( self, file_id: str, progress_listener: Optional[v2.AbstractProgressListener] = None, range_: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, encryption: Optional[v2.EncryptionSetting] = None, ) -> v2.DownloadedFile: ...
[docs] def download_file_by_id( self, file_id: str, download_dest: Optional[AbstractDownloadDestination] = None, progress_listener: Optional[v2.AbstractProgressListener] = None, range_: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, encryption: Optional[v2.EncryptionSetting] = None, ): """ Download a file by ID. .. note:: download_file_by_id actually belongs in :py:class:`b2sdk.v1.B2Api`, not in :py:class:`b2sdk.v1.Bucket`; we just provide a convenient redirect here :param file_id: a file ID :param download_dest: an instance of the one of the following classes: \ :class:`~b2sdk.v1.DownloadDestLocalFile`,\ :class:`~b2sdk.v1.DownloadDestBytes`,\ :class:`~b2sdk.v1.PreSeekedDownloadDest`,\ or any sub class of :class:`~b2sdk.v1.AbstractDownloadDestination` :param progress_listener: a progress listener object to use, or ``None`` to not report progress :param range_: two integer values, start and end offsets :param encryption: encryption settings (``None`` if unknown) """ return self.api.download_file_by_id( file_id, download_dest, progress_listener, range_=range_, encryption=encryption, )
[docs] def get_file_info_by_name(self, file_name: str) -> FileVersionInfo: return file_version_info_from_download_version(super().get_file_info_by_name(file_name))
[docs] def get_file_info_by_id(self, file_id: str) -> FileVersionInfo: """ Gets a file version's by ID. :param str file_id: the id of the file. """ return self.api.file_version_factory.from_api_response(self.api.get_file_info(file_id))
[docs] def update( self, bucket_type: Optional[str] = None, bucket_info: Optional[dict] = None, cors_rules: Optional[dict] = None, lifecycle_rules: Optional[dict] = None, if_revision_is: Optional[int] = None, default_server_side_encryption: Optional[v2.EncryptionSetting] = None, default_retention: Optional[v2.BucketRetentionSetting] = None, ): """ Update various bucket parameters. :param bucket_type: a bucket type, e.g. ``allPrivate`` or ``allPublic`` :param bucket_info: an info to store with a bucket :param cors_rules: CORS rules to store with a bucket :param lifecycle_rules: lifecycle rules to store with a bucket :param if_revision_is: revision number, update the info **only if** *revision* equals to *if_revision_is* :param default_server_side_encryption: default server side encryption settings (``None`` if unknown) :param default_retention: bucket default retention setting """ account_id = self.api.account_info.get_account_id() return self.api.session.update_bucket( account_id, self.id_, bucket_type=bucket_type, bucket_info=bucket_info, cors_rules=cors_rules, lifecycle_rules=lifecycle_rules, if_revision_is=if_revision_is, default_server_side_encryption=default_server_side_encryption, default_retention=default_retention, )
[docs] def ls( self, folder_to_list: str = '', show_versions: bool = False, recursive: bool = False, fetch_count: Optional[int] = 10000 ): """ Pretend that folders exist and yields the information about the files in a folder. B2 has a flat namespace for the files in a bucket, but there is a convention of using "/" as if there were folders. This method searches through the flat namespace to find the files and "folders" that live within a given folder. When the `recursive` flag is set, lists all of the files in the given folder, and all of its sub-folders. :param folder_to_list: the name of the folder to list; must not start with "/". Empty string means top-level folder :param show_versions: when ``True`` returns info about all versions of a file, when ``False``, just returns info about the most recent versions :param recursive: if ``True``, list folders recursively :param fetch_count: how many entries to return or ``None`` to use the default. Acceptable values: 1 - 10000 :rtype: generator[tuple[b2sdk.v1.FileVersionInfo, str]] :returns: generator of (file_version, folder_name) tuples .. note:: In case of `recursive=True`, folder_name is returned only for first file in the folder. """ return super().ls(folder_to_list, not show_versions, recursive, fetch_count)
def download_file_and_return_info_dict( downloaded_file: v2.DownloadedFile, download_dest: AbstractDownloadDestination, range_: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] ): with download_dest.make_file_context( file_id=downloaded_file.download_version.id_, file_name=downloaded_file.download_version.file_name, content_length=downloaded_file.download_version.size, content_type=downloaded_file.download_version.content_type, content_sha1=downloaded_file.download_version.content_sha1, file_info=downloaded_file.download_version.file_info, mod_time_millis=downloaded_file.download_version.mod_time_millis, range_=range_, ) as file: return FileMetadata.from_download_version(downloaded_file.download_version).as_info_dict() class BucketFactory(v2.BucketFactory): BUCKET_CLASS = staticmethod(Bucket)