Source code for

# File: b2sdk/_internal/stream/
# Copyright 2020 Backblaze Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# License
from __future__ import annotations

import io

from import ReadOnlyStreamMixin
from import StreamWithLengthWrapper

[docs]class RangeOfInputStream(ReadOnlyStreamMixin, StreamWithLengthWrapper): """ Wrap a file-like object (read only) and read the selected range of the file. """
[docs] def __init__(self, stream, offset, length): """ :param stream: a seekable stream :param int offset: offset in the stream :param int length: max number of bytes to read """ super().__init__(stream, length) self.offset = offset self.relative_pos = 0
[docs] def seek(self, pos, whence=0): """ Seek to a given position in the stream. :param int pos: position in the stream relative to steam offset :return: new position relative to stream offset :rtype: int """ if whence != 0: raise io.UnsupportedOperation('only SEEK_SET is supported') abs_pos = super().seek(self.offset + pos) self.relative_pos = abs_pos - self.offset return self.tell()
[docs] def tell(self): """ Return current stream position relative to offset. :rtype: int """ return self.relative_pos
[docs] def read(self, size=None): """ Read data from the stream. :param int size: number of bytes to read :return: data read from the stream :rtype: bytes """ remaining = max(0, self.length - self.relative_pos) if size is None: to_read = remaining else: to_read = min(size, remaining) data = self.relative_pos += len(data) return data
[docs] def close(self): super().close() # TODO: change the use cases of this class to close the file objects passed to it, instead of having # RangeOfInputStream close it's members upon garbage collection
[docs]def wrap_with_range(stream, stream_length, range_offset, range_length): if range_offset == 0 and range_length == stream_length: return stream return RangeOfInputStream(stream, range_offset, range_length)