Source code for b2sdk._internal.transfer.inbound.downloader.abstract

# File: b2sdk/_internal/transfer/inbound/downloader/
# Copyright 2020 Backblaze Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# License
from __future__ import annotations

import hashlib
from abc import abstractmethod
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from io import IOBase

from requests.models import Response

from b2sdk._internal.encryption.setting import EncryptionSetting
from b2sdk._internal.file_version import DownloadVersion
from b2sdk._internal.session import B2Session
from b2sdk._internal.utils import B2TraceMetaAbstract
from b2sdk._internal.utils.range_ import Range

[docs]class EmptyHasher:
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): pass
[docs] def update(self, data): pass
[docs] def digest(self): return b''
[docs] def hexdigest(self): return ''
[docs] def copy(self): return self
[docs]class AbstractDownloader(metaclass=B2TraceMetaAbstract): """ Abstract class for downloaders. :var REQUIRES_SEEKING: if True, the downloader requires the ability to seek in the file object. :var SUPPORTS_DECODE_CONTENT: if True, the downloader supports decoded HTTP streams. In practice, this means that the downloader can handle HTTP responses which already have the content decoded per Content-Encoding and, more likely than not, of a different length than requested. """ REQUIRES_SEEKING = True SUPPORTS_DECODE_CONTENT = True DEFAULT_THREAD_POOL_CLASS = staticmethod(ThreadPoolExecutor) DEFAULT_ALIGN_FACTOR = 4096
[docs] def __init__( self, thread_pool: ThreadPoolExecutor | None = None, force_chunk_size: int | None = None, min_chunk_size: int | None = None, max_chunk_size: int | None = None, align_factor: int | None = None, check_hash: bool = True, **kwargs ): align_factor = align_factor or self.DEFAULT_ALIGN_FACTOR assert force_chunk_size is not None or ( min_chunk_size is not None and max_chunk_size is not None and 0 < min_chunk_size <= max_chunk_size and max_chunk_size >= align_factor ) self._min_chunk_size = min_chunk_size self._max_chunk_size = max_chunk_size self._forced_chunk_size = force_chunk_size self._align_factor = align_factor self._check_hash = check_hash self._thread_pool = thread_pool if thread_pool is not None \ else self.DEFAULT_THREAD_POOL_CLASS() super().__init__(**kwargs)
def _get_hasher(self): if self._check_hash: return hashlib.sha1() return EmptyHasher() def _get_chunk_size(self, content_length: int | None): if self._forced_chunk_size is not None: return self._forced_chunk_size ideal = max(content_length // 1000, self._align_factor) non_aligned = min(max(ideal, self._min_chunk_size), self._max_chunk_size) aligned = non_aligned // self._align_factor * self._align_factor return aligned @classmethod def _get_remote_range(cls, response: Response, download_version: DownloadVersion): """ Get a range from response or original request (as appropriate). :param response: requests.Response of initial request :param download_version: b2sdk.v2.DownloadVersion :return: a range object """ if 'Range' in response.request.headers: return Range.from_header(response.request.headers['Range']) return download_version.range_
[docs] def is_suitable(self, download_version: DownloadVersion, allow_seeking: bool): """ Analyze download_version (possibly against options passed earlier to constructor to find out whether the given download request should be handled by this downloader). """ if self.REQUIRES_SEEKING and not allow_seeking: return False if not self.SUPPORTS_DECODE_CONTENT and download_version.content_encoding and download_version.api.api_config.decode_content: return False return True
[docs] @abstractmethod def download( self, file: IOBase, response: Response, download_version: DownloadVersion, session: B2Session, encryption: EncryptionSetting | None = None, ) -> tuple[int, str]: """ Download target to a file-like object. :param file: file-like object to write to :param response: requests.Response of b2_download_url_by_* endpoint with the target object :param download_version: DownloadVersion of an object being downloaded :param session: B2Session to be used for downloading :param encryption: optional Encryption setting :return: (bytes_read, actual_sha1) please note bytes_read may be different from bytes written to a file object if decode_content=True """ pass