b2sdk.raw_api – B2 raw api wrapper

class b2sdk.raw_api.MetadataDirectiveMode[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

COPY = 401
class b2sdk.raw_api.AbstractRawApi[source]

Bases: object

Direct access to the B2 web apis.

abstract cancel_large_file(api_url, account_auth_token, file_id)[source]
abstract delete_bucket(api_url, account_auth_token, account_id, bucket_id)[source]
abstract delete_file_version(api_url, account_auth_token, file_id, file_name)[source]
abstract finish_large_file(api_url, account_auth_token, file_id, part_sha1_array)[source]
abstract get_upload_part_url(api_url, account_auth_token, file_id)[source]
abstract hide_file(api_url, account_auth_token, bucket_id, file_name)[source]
abstract list_parts(api_url, account_auth_token, file_id, start_part_number, max_part_count)[source]
abstract list_unfinished_large_files(api_url, account_auth_token, bucket_id, start_file_id=None, max_file_count=None)[source]
abstract start_large_file(api_url, account_auth_token, bucket_id, file_name, content_type, file_info)[source]
abstract update_bucket(api_url, account_auth_token, account_id, bucket_id, bucket_type=None, bucket_info=None, cors_rules=None, lifecycle_rules=None, if_revision_is=None)[source]
abstract upload_part(upload_url, upload_auth_token, part_number, content_length, sha1_sum, input_stream)[source]
get_download_url_by_id(download_url, account_auth_token, file_id)[source]
get_download_url_by_name(download_url, account_auth_token, bucket_name, file_name)[source]
abstract copy_file(api_url, account_auth_token, source_file_id, new_file_name, bytes_range=None, metadata_directive=None, content_type=None, file_info=None, destination_bucket_id=None)[source]
class b2sdk.raw_api.B2RawApi(b2_http)[source]

Bases: b2sdk.raw_api.AbstractRawApi

Provide access to the B2 web APIs, exactly as they are provided by b2.

Requires that you provide all necessary URLs and auth tokens for each call.

Each API call decodes the returned JSON and returns a dict.

For details on what each method does, see the B2 docs:


This class is intended to be a super-simple, very thin layer on top of the HTTP calls. It can be mocked-out for testing higher layers. And this class can be tested by exercising each call just once, which is relatively quick.

All public methods of this class except authorize_account shall accept api_url and account_info as first two positional arguments. This is needed for B2Session magic.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

authorize_account(realm_url, application_key_id, application_key)[source]
cancel_large_file(api_url, account_auth_token, file_id)[source]
create_bucket(api_url, account_auth_token, account_id, bucket_name, bucket_type, bucket_info=None, cors_rules=None, lifecycle_rules=None)[source]
create_key(api_url, account_auth_token, account_id, capabilities, key_name, valid_duration_seconds, bucket_id, name_prefix)[source]
delete_bucket(api_url, account_auth_token, account_id, bucket_id)[source]
delete_file_version(api_url, account_auth_token, file_id, file_name)[source]
delete_key(api_url, account_auth_token, application_key_id)[source]
download_file_from_url(_, account_auth_token_or_none, url, range_=None)[source]

Issue a streaming request for download of a file, potentially authorized.

  • _ – unused (caused by B2Session magic)

  • account_auth_token_or_none – an optional account auth token to pass in

  • url – the full URL to download from

  • range – two-element tuple for http Range header


b2_http response

finish_large_file(api_url, account_auth_token, file_id, part_sha1_array)[source]
get_download_authorization(api_url, account_auth_token, bucket_id, file_name_prefix, valid_duration_in_seconds)[source]
get_file_info(api_url, account_auth_token, file_id)[source]
get_upload_url(api_url, account_auth_token, bucket_id)[source]
get_upload_part_url(api_url, account_auth_token, file_id)[source]
hide_file(api_url, account_auth_token, bucket_id, file_name)[source]
list_buckets(api_url, account_auth_token, account_id, bucket_id=None, bucket_name=None)[source]
list_file_names(api_url, account_auth_token, bucket_id, start_file_name=None, max_file_count=None, prefix=None)[source]
list_file_versions(api_url, account_auth_token, bucket_id, start_file_name=None, start_file_id=None, max_file_count=None, prefix=None)[source]
list_keys(api_url, account_auth_token, account_id, max_key_count=None, start_application_key_id=None)[source]
list_parts(api_url, account_auth_token, file_id, start_part_number, max_part_count)[source]
list_unfinished_large_files(api_url, account_auth_token, bucket_id, start_file_id=None, max_file_count=None)[source]
start_large_file(api_url, account_auth_token, bucket_id, file_name, content_type, file_info)[source]
update_bucket(api_url, account_auth_token, account_id, bucket_id, bucket_type=None, bucket_info=None, cors_rules=None, lifecycle_rules=None, if_revision_is=None)[source]

Replace unprintable chars in string with a hex representation.


string – an arbitrary string, possibly with unprintable characters.


the string, with unprintable characters changed to hex (e.g., “”)


Raise an appropriate exception with details if the filename is unusable.

See https://www.backblaze.com/b2/docs/files.html for the rules.


filename – a proposed filename in unicode


None if the filename is usable

upload_file(upload_url, upload_auth_token, file_name, content_length, content_type, content_sha1, file_infos, data_stream)[source]

Upload one, small file to b2.

  • upload_url – the upload_url from b2_authorize_account

  • upload_auth_token – the auth token from b2_authorize_account

  • file_name – the name of the B2 file

  • content_length – number of bytes in the file

  • content_type – MIME type

  • content_sha1 – hex SHA1 of the contents of the file

  • file_infos – extra file info to upload

  • data_stream – a file like object from which the contents of the file can be read


upload_part(upload_url, upload_auth_token, part_number, content_length, content_sha1, data_stream)[source]
copy_file(api_url, account_auth_token, source_file_id, new_file_name, bytes_range=None, metadata_directive=None, content_type=None, file_info=None, destination_bucket_id=None)[source]

Exercise the code in B2RawApi by making each call once, just to make sure the parameters are passed in, and the result is passed back.

The goal is to be a complete test of B2RawApi, so the tests for the rest of the code can use the simulator.

Prints to stdout if things go wrong.


0 on success, non-zero on failure


Try each of the calls to the raw api. Raise an exception if anything goes wrong.

This uses a Backblaze account that is just for this test. The account uses the free level of service, which should be enough to run this test a reasonable number of times each day. If somebody abuses the account for other things, this test will break and we’ll have to do something about it.