Source code for b2sdk.exception

# File: b2sdk/
# Copyright 2019 Backblaze Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# License

from abc import ABCMeta

import re
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional

from .utils import camelcase_to_underscore

    r'^more than one upload using auth token (?P<token>[^)]+)$'

[docs]class B2Error(Exception, metaclass=ABCMeta): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Python 2 does not like it when you pass unicode as the message in an exception. We like to use file names in exception messages. To avoid problems, if the message has any non-ascii characters in it, they are replaced with backslash-uNNNN. """ # If the exception is caused by a b2 server response, # the server MAY have included instructions to pause the thread before issuing any more requests self.retry_after_seconds = None super(B2Error, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def prefix(self): """ Nice, auto-generated error message prefix. >>> B2SimpleError().prefix 'Simple error' >>> AlreadyFailed().prefix 'Already failed' """ prefix = self.__class__.__name__ if prefix.startswith('B2'): prefix = prefix[2:] prefix = camelcase_to_underscore(prefix).replace('_', ' ') return prefix[0].upper() + prefix[1:]
[docs] def should_retry_http(self): """ Return true if this is an error that can cause an HTTP call to be retried. """ return False
[docs] def should_retry_upload(self): """ Return true if this is an error that should tell the upload code to get a new upload URL and try the upload again. """ return False
class InvalidUserInput(B2Error): pass
[docs]class B2SimpleError(B2Error, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ A B2Error with a message prefix. """ def __str__(self): return '%s: %s' % (self.prefix, super(B2SimpleError, self).__str__())
[docs]class NotAllowedByAppKeyError(B2SimpleError, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Base class for errors caused by restrictions on an application key. """
[docs]class TransientErrorMixin(metaclass=ABCMeta):
[docs] def should_retry_http(self): return True
[docs] def should_retry_upload(self): return True
[docs]class AlreadyFailed(B2SimpleError): pass
[docs]class BadDateFormat(B2SimpleError): prefix = 'Date from server'
[docs]class BadFileInfo(B2SimpleError): pass
[docs]class BadJson(B2SimpleError): prefix = 'Bad request'
[docs]class BadUploadUrl(B2SimpleError):
[docs] def should_retry_upload(self): return True
[docs]class BrokenPipe(B2Error): def __str__(self): return 'Broken pipe: unable to send entire request'
[docs] def should_retry_upload(self): return True
[docs]class CapabilityNotAllowed(NotAllowedByAppKeyError): pass
[docs]class ChecksumMismatch(TransientErrorMixin, B2Error): def __init__(self, checksum_type, expected, actual): super(ChecksumMismatch, self).__init__() self.checksum_type = checksum_type self.expected = expected self.actual = actual def __str__(self): return '%s checksum mismatch -- bad data' % (self.checksum_type,)
[docs]class B2HttpCallbackException(B2SimpleError): pass
[docs]class B2HttpCallbackPostRequestException(B2HttpCallbackException): pass
[docs]class B2HttpCallbackPreRequestException(B2HttpCallbackException): pass
[docs]class BucketNotAllowed(NotAllowedByAppKeyError): pass
[docs]class ClockSkew(B2HttpCallbackPostRequestException): """ The clock on the server differs from the local clock by too much. """ def __init__(self, clock_skew_seconds): """ :param int clock_skew_seconds: The difference: local_clock - server_clock """ super(ClockSkew, self).__init__() self.clock_skew_seconds = clock_skew_seconds def __str__(self): if self.clock_skew_seconds < 0: return 'ClockSkew: local clock is %d seconds behind server' % ( -self.clock_skew_seconds, ) else: return 'ClockSkew; local clock is %d seconds ahead of server' % ( self.clock_skew_seconds, )
[docs]class Conflict(B2SimpleError): pass
[docs]class ConnectionReset(B2Error): def __str__(self): return 'Connection reset'
[docs] def should_retry_upload(self): return True
[docs]class B2ConnectionError(TransientErrorMixin, B2SimpleError): pass
[docs]class B2RequestTimeout(TransientErrorMixin, B2SimpleError): pass
[docs]class B2RequestTimeoutDuringUpload(B2RequestTimeout): # if a timeout is hit during upload, it is not guaranteed that the the server has released the upload token lock already, so we'll use a new token
[docs] def should_retry_http(self): return False
[docs]class DestFileNewer(B2Error): def __init__(self, dest_path, source_path, dest_prefix, source_prefix): super(DestFileNewer, self).__init__() self.dest_path = dest_path self.source_path = source_path self.dest_prefix = dest_prefix self.source_prefix = source_prefix def __str__(self): return 'source file is older than destination: %s%s with a time of %s cannot be synced to %s%s with a time of %s, unless a valid newer_file_mode is provided' % ( self.source_prefix, self.source_path.relative_path, self.source_path.mod_time, self.dest_prefix, self.dest_path.relative_path, self.dest_path.mod_time, )
[docs] def should_retry_http(self): return True
[docs]class DuplicateBucketName(B2SimpleError): prefix = 'Bucket name is already in use'
class ResourceNotFound(B2SimpleError): prefix = 'No such file, bucket, or endpoint' class FileOrBucketNotFound(ResourceNotFound): def __init__(self, bucket_name=None, file_id_or_name=None): super(FileOrBucketNotFound, self).__init__() self.bucket_name = bucket_name self.file_id_or_name = file_id_or_name def __str__(self): file_str = ('file [%s]' % self.file_id_or_name) if self.file_id_or_name else 'a file' bucket_str = ('bucket [%s]' % self.bucket_name) if self.bucket_name else 'a bucket' return 'Could not find %s within %s' % (file_str, bucket_str)
[docs]class BucketIdNotFound(ResourceNotFound): def __init__(self, bucket_id): self.bucket_id = bucket_id def __str__(self): return 'Bucket with id=%s not found' % (self.bucket_id,)
[docs]class FileAlreadyHidden(B2SimpleError): pass
[docs]class FileNameNotAllowed(NotAllowedByAppKeyError): pass
[docs]class FileNotPresent(FileOrBucketNotFound): def __str__(self): # overriden to retain message across prev versions return "File not present%s" % (': ' + self.file_id_or_name if self.file_id_or_name else "")
[docs]class UnusableFileName(B2SimpleError): """ Raise when a filename doesn't meet the rules. Could possibly use InvalidUploadSource, but this is intended for the filename on the server, which could differ. """ pass
[docs]class InvalidMetadataDirective(B2Error): pass
[docs]class SSECKeyIdMismatchInCopy(InvalidMetadataDirective): pass
[docs]class InvalidRange(B2Error): def __init__(self, content_length, range_): super(InvalidRange, self).__init__() self.content_length = content_length self.range_ = range_ def __str__(self): return 'A range of %d-%d was requested (size of %d), but cloud could only serve %d of that' % ( self.range_[0], self.range_[1], self.range_[1] - self.range_[0] + 1, self.content_length, )
[docs]class InvalidUploadSource(B2SimpleError): pass
class BadRequest(B2Error): def __init__(self, message, code): super(BadRequest, self).__init__() self.message = message self.code = code def __str__(self): return '%s (%s)' % (self.message, self.code)
[docs]class Unauthorized(B2Error): def __init__(self, message, code): super(Unauthorized, self).__init__() self.message = message self.code = code def __str__(self): return '%s (%s)' % (self.message, self.code)
[docs] def should_retry_upload(self): return True
[docs]class InvalidAuthToken(Unauthorized): """ Specific type of Unauthorized that means the auth token is invalid. This is not the case where the auth token is valid, but does not allow access. """ def __init__(self, message, code): super(InvalidAuthToken, self).__init__('Invalid authorization token. Server said: ' + message, code)
[docs]class RestrictedBucket(B2Error): def __init__(self, bucket_name): super(RestrictedBucket, self).__init__() self.bucket_name = bucket_name def __str__(self): return 'Application key is restricted to bucket: %s' % self.bucket_name
[docs]class MaxFileSizeExceeded(B2Error): def __init__(self, size, max_allowed_size): super(MaxFileSizeExceeded, self).__init__() self.size = size self.max_allowed_size = max_allowed_size def __str__(self): return 'Allowed file size of exceeded: %s > %s' % ( self.size, self.max_allowed_size, )
[docs]class MaxRetriesExceeded(B2Error): def __init__(self, limit, exception_info_list): super(MaxRetriesExceeded, self).__init__() self.limit = limit self.exception_info_list = exception_info_list def __str__(self): exceptions = '\n'.join(str(wrapped_error) for wrapped_error in self.exception_info_list) return 'FAILED to upload after %s tries. Encountered exceptions: %s' % ( self.limit, exceptions, )
[docs]class MissingPart(B2SimpleError): prefix = 'Part number has not been uploaded'
[docs]class NonExistentBucket(FileOrBucketNotFound): def __str__(self): # overriden to retain message across prev versions return "No such bucket%s" % (': ' + self.bucket_name if self.bucket_name else "")
[docs]class FileSha1Mismatch(B2SimpleError): prefix = 'Upload file SHA1 mismatch'
[docs]class PartSha1Mismatch(B2Error): def __init__(self, key): super(PartSha1Mismatch, self).__init__() self.key = key def __str__(self): return 'Part number %s has wrong SHA1' % (self.key,)
[docs]class ServiceError(TransientErrorMixin, B2Error): """ Used for HTTP status codes 500 through 599. """
[docs]class CapExceeded(B2Error): def __str__(self): return 'Cap exceeded.'
[docs]class StorageCapExceeded(CapExceeded): def __str__(self): return 'Cannot upload or copy files, storage cap exceeded.'
[docs]class TransactionCapExceeded(CapExceeded): def __str__(self): return 'Cannot perform the operation, transaction cap exceeded.'
[docs]class TooManyRequests(B2Error): def __init__(self, retry_after_seconds=None): super(TooManyRequests, self).__init__() self.retry_after_seconds = retry_after_seconds def __str__(self): return 'Too many requests'
[docs] def should_retry_http(self): return True
[docs]class TruncatedOutput(TransientErrorMixin, B2Error): def __init__(self, bytes_read, file_size): super(TruncatedOutput, self).__init__() self.bytes_read = bytes_read self.file_size = file_size def __str__(self): return 'only %d of %d bytes read' % ( self.bytes_read, self.file_size, )
[docs]class UnexpectedCloudBehaviour(B2SimpleError): pass
[docs]class UnknownError(B2SimpleError): pass
[docs]class UnknownHost(B2Error): def __str__(self): return 'unknown host'
[docs]class UnrecognizedBucketType(B2Error): pass
[docs]class UnsatisfiableRange(B2Error): def __str__(self): return "The range in the request is outside the size of the file"
class UploadTokenUsedConcurrently(B2Error): def __init__(self, token): super(UploadTokenUsedConcurrently, self).__init__() self.token = token def __str__(self): return "More than one concurrent upload using auth token %s" % (self.token,)
[docs]class AccessDenied(B2Error): def __str__(self): return "This call with these parameters is not allowed for this auth token"
[docs]class SSECKeyError(AccessDenied): def __str__(self): return "Wrong or no SSE-C key provided when reading a file."
[docs]class RetentionWriteError(AccessDenied): def __str__(self): return "Auth token not authorized to write retention or file already in 'compliance' mode or " \ "bypassGovernance=true parameter missing"
[docs]class WrongEncryptionModeForBucketDefault(InvalidUserInput): def __init__(self, encryption_mode): super().__init__() self.encryption_mode = encryption_mode def __str__(self): return "%s cannot be used as default for a bucket." % (self.encryption_mode,)
[docs]class CopyArgumentsMismatch(InvalidUserInput): pass
[docs]def interpret_b2_error( status: int, code: Optional[str], message: Optional[str], response_headers: Dict[str, Any], post_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> B2Error: post_params = post_params or {} if status == 400 and code == "already_hidden": return FileAlreadyHidden(post_params.get('fileName')) elif status == 400 and code == 'bad_json': return BadJson(message) elif ( (status == 400 and code in ("no_such_file", "file_not_present")) or (status == 404 and code == "not_found") ): # hide_file returns 400 and "no_such_file" # delete_file_version returns 400 and "file_not_present" # get_file_info returns 404 and "not_found" # download_file_by_name/download_file_by_id return 404 and "not_found" # but don't have post_params return FileNotPresent( file_id_or_name=post_params.get('fileId') or post_params.get('fileName') ) elif status == 404: # often times backblaze will return cryptic error messages on invalid URLs. # We should ideally only reach that case on programming error or outdated # sdk versions, but to prevent user confusion we omit the message param return ResourceNotFound() elif status == 400 and code == "duplicate_bucket_name": return DuplicateBucketName(post_params.get('bucketName')) elif status == 400 and code == "missing_part": return MissingPart(post_params.get('fileId')) elif status == 400 and code == "part_sha1_mismatch": return PartSha1Mismatch(post_params.get('fileId')) elif status == 400 and code == "bad_request": matcher = UPLOAD_TOKEN_USED_CONCURRENTLY_ERROR_MESSAGE_RE.match(message) if matcher is not None: token ='token') return UploadTokenUsedConcurrently(token) return BadRequest(message, code) elif status == 400: return BadRequest(message, code) elif status == 401 and code in ("bad_auth_token", "expired_auth_token"): return InvalidAuthToken(message, code) elif status == 401: return Unauthorized(message, code) elif status == 403 and code == "storage_cap_exceeded": return StorageCapExceeded() elif status == 403 and code == "transaction_cap_exceeded": return TransactionCapExceeded() elif status == 403 and code == "access_denied": return AccessDenied() elif status == 409: return Conflict() elif status == 416 and code == "range_not_satisfiable": return UnsatisfiableRange() elif status == 429: return TooManyRequests(retry_after_seconds=response_headers.get('retry-after')) elif 500 <= status < 600: return ServiceError('%d %s %s' % (status, code, message)) return UnknownError('%d %s %s' % (status, code, message))