Source code for b2sdk.encryption.types

# File: b2sdk/encryption/
# Copyright 2021 Backblaze Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# License

from enum import Enum, unique

[docs]@unique class EncryptionAlgorithm(Enum): """Encryption algorithm.""" AES256 = 'AES256'
[docs]@unique class EncryptionMode(Enum): """Encryption mode.""" UNKNOWN = None #: unknown encryption mode (sdk doesn't know or used key has no rights to know) NONE = "none" #: no encryption (plaintext) SSE_B2 = 'SSE-B2' #: server-side encryption with key maintained by B2 SSE_C = 'SSE-C' #: server-side encryption with key provided by the client #CLIENT = 'CLIENT' #: client-side encryption
[docs] def can_be_set_as_bucket_default(self): return self in BUCKET_DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION_MODES
ENCRYPTION_MODES_WITH_MANDATORY_ALGORITHM = frozenset( (EncryptionMode.SSE_B2, EncryptionMode.SSE_C) ) # yapf: off ENCRYPTION_MODES_WITH_MANDATORY_KEY = frozenset((EncryptionMode.SSE_C,)) # yapf: off BUCKET_DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION_MODES = frozenset((EncryptionMode.NONE, EncryptionMode.SSE_B2))