

AccountInfo object holds information about access keys, tokens, upload urls, as well as a bucket id-name map.

It is the first object that you need to create to use b2sdk. Using AccountInfo, we’ll be able to create a B2Api object to manage a B2 account.

In the tutorial we will use b2sdk.v2.InMemoryAccountInfo:

>>> from b2sdk.v2 import InMemoryAccountInfo
>>> info = InMemoryAccountInfo()  # store credentials, tokens and cache in memory

With the info object in hand, we can now proceed to create a B2Api object.


AccountInfo section provides guidance for choosing the correct AccountInfo class for your application.

Account authorization

>>> from b2sdk.v2 import B2Api
>>> b2_api = B2Api(info)
>>> application_key_id = '4a5b6c7d8e9f'
>>> application_key = '001b8e23c26ff6efb941e237deb182b9599a84bef7'
>>> b2_api.authorize_account("production", application_key_id, application_key)


Get credentials from B2 website

To find out more about account authorization, see b2sdk.v2.B2Api.authorize_account()


B2Api allows for account-level operations on a B2 account.

Typical B2Api operations

>>> b2_api = B2Api(info)

to find out more, see b2sdk.v2.B2Api.

The most practical operation on B2Api object is b2sdk.v2.B2Api.get_bucket_by_name().

Bucket allows for operations such as listing a remote bucket or transferring files.


Initializing a Bucket

Retrieve an existing Bucket

To get a Bucket object for an existing B2 Bucket:

>>> b2_api.get_bucket_by_name("example-mybucket-b2-1",)

Create a new Bucket

To create a bucket:

>>> bucket_name = 'example-mybucket-b2-1'
>>> bucket_type = 'allPublic'  # or 'allPrivate'

>>> b2_api.create_bucket(bucket_name, bucket_type)

You can optionally store bucket info, CORS rules and lifecycle rules with the bucket. See b2sdk.v2.B2Api.create_bucket() for more details.


Bucket name must be unique in B2 (across all accounts!). Your application should be able to cope with a bucket name collision with another B2 user.

Typical Bucket operations

To find out more, see b2sdk.v2.Bucket.


You now know how to use AccountInfo, B2Api and Bucket objects.

To see examples of some of the methods presented above, visit the quick start guide section.