Source code for b2sdk.transfer.inbound.downloaded_file

# File: b2sdk/transfer/inbound/
# Copyright 2021 Backblaze Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# License
from __future__ import annotations

import io
import logging
import pathlib
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from requests.models import Response

from b2sdk.exception import (
from b2sdk.utils import set_file_mtime

from ...encryption.setting import EncryptionSetting
from ...file_version import DownloadVersion
from ...progress import AbstractProgressListener
from import WritingStreamWithProgress

    from .download_manager import DownloadManager

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class MtimeUpdatedFile(io.IOBase): """ Helper class that facilitates updating a files mod_time after closing. Usage: .. code-block: python downloaded_file = bucket.download_file_by_id('b2_file_id') with MtimeUpdatedFile('some_local_path', mod_time_millis=downloaded_file.download_version.mod_time_millis) as file: # 'some_local_path' has the mod_time set according to metadata in B2 """ def __init__(self, path_, mod_time_millis: int, mode='wb+', buffering=None): self.path_ = path_ self.mode = mode self.buffering = buffering if buffering is not None else -1 self.mod_time_to_set = mod_time_millis self.file = None
[docs] def write(self, value): """ This method is overwritten (monkey-patched) in __enter__ for performance reasons """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def read(self, *a): """ This method is overwritten (monkey-patched) in __enter__ for performance reasons """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def seek(self, offset, whence=0): return, whence)
[docs] def tell(self): return self.file.tell()
def __enter__(self): try: path = pathlib.Path(self.path_) if not path.parent.exists(): raise DestinationDirectoryDoesntExist() if not path.parent.is_dir(): raise DestinationParentIsNotADirectory() # This ensures consistency on *nix and Windows. Windows doesn't seem to raise ``IsADirectoryError`` at all, # so with this we actually can differentiate between permissions errors and target being a directory. if path.exists() and path.is_dir(): raise DestinationIsADirectory() except PermissionError as ex: raise DestinationDirectoryDoesntAllowOperation() from ex # All remaining problems should be with permissions. try: self.file = open(self.path_, self.mode, buffering=self.buffering) except PermissionError as ex: raise DestinationDirectoryDoesntAllowOperation() from ex self.write = self.file.write = return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.file.close() set_file_mtime(self.path_, self.mod_time_to_set) def __str__(self): return str(self.path_)
[docs]class DownloadedFile: """ Result of a successful download initialization. Holds information about file's metadata and allows to perform the download. """ def __init__( self, download_version: DownloadVersion, download_manager: DownloadManager, range_: tuple[int, int] | None, response: Response, encryption: EncryptionSetting | None, progress_listener: AbstractProgressListener, write_buffer_size=None, check_hash=True, ): self.download_version = download_version self.download_manager = download_manager self.range_ = range_ self.response = response self.encryption = encryption self.progress_listener = progress_listener self.download_strategy = None self.write_buffer_size = write_buffer_size self.check_hash = check_hash def _validate_download(self, bytes_read, actual_sha1): if self.download_version.content_encoding is not None and self.download_version.api.api_config.decode_content: return if self.range_ is None: if bytes_read != self.download_version.content_length: raise TruncatedOutput(bytes_read, self.download_version.content_length) if ( self.check_hash and self.download_version.content_sha1 != 'none' and actual_sha1 != self.download_version.content_sha1 ): raise ChecksumMismatch( checksum_type='sha1', expected=self.download_version.content_sha1, actual=actual_sha1, ) else: desired_length = self.range_[1] - self.range_[0] + 1 if bytes_read != desired_length: raise TruncatedOutput(bytes_read, desired_length)
[docs] def save(self, file, allow_seeking=True): """ Read data from B2 cloud and write it to a file-like object :param file: a file-like object :param allow_seeking: if False, download strategies that rely on seeking to write data (parallel strategies) will be discarded. """ if self.progress_listener: file = WritingStreamWithProgress(file, self.progress_listener) if self.range_ is not None: total_bytes = self.range_[1] - self.range_[0] + 1 else: total_bytes = self.download_version.content_length self.progress_listener.set_total_bytes(total_bytes) for strategy in self.download_manager.strategies: if strategy.is_suitable(self.download_version, allow_seeking): break else: raise ValueError('no strategy suitable for download was found!') self.download_strategy = strategy bytes_read, actual_sha1 = file, response=self.response, download_version=self.download_version,, encryption=self.encryption, ) self._validate_download(bytes_read, actual_sha1)
[docs] def save_to(self, path_, mode='wb+', allow_seeking=True): """ Open a local file and write data from B2 cloud to it, also update the mod_time. :param path_: path to file to be opened :param mode: mode in which the file should be opened :param allow_seeking: if False, download strategies that rely on seeking to write data (parallel strategies) will be discarded. """ with MtimeUpdatedFile( path_, mod_time_millis=self.download_version.mod_time_millis, mode=mode, buffering=self.write_buffer_size, ) as file:, allow_seeking=allow_seeking)