Source code for b2sdk.sync.policy_manager

# File: b2sdk/sync/
# Copyright 2019 Backblaze Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# License

from .policy import CopyAndDeletePolicy, CopyAndKeepDaysPolicy, CopyPolicy, \
    DownAndDeletePolicy, DownAndKeepDaysPolicy, DownPolicy, UpAndDeletePolicy, \
    UpAndKeepDaysPolicy, UpPolicy

[docs]class SyncPolicyManager(object): """ Policy manager; implement a logic to get a correct policy class and create a policy object based on various parameters. """
[docs] def __init__(self): self.policies = {} # dict<,>
[docs] def get_policy( self, sync_type, source_file, source_folder, dest_file, dest_folder, now_millis, delete, keep_days, newer_file_mode, compare_threshold, compare_version_mode, encryption_settings_provider, ): """ Return a policy object. :param str sync_type: synchronization type :param str source_file: source file name :param str source_folder: a source folder path :param str dest_file: destination file name :param str dest_folder: a destination folder path :param int now_millis: current time in milliseconds :param bool delete: delete policy :param int keep_days: keep for days policy :param b2sdk.v1.NewerFileSyncMode newer_file_mode: setting which determines handling for destination files newer than on the source :param int compare_threshold: difference between file modification time or file size :param b2sdk.v1.CompareVersionMode compare_version_mode: setting which determines how to compare source and destination files :param b2sdk.v1.AbstractEncryptionSettingsProvider encryption_settings_provider: an object which decides which encryption to use (if any) :return: a policy object """ policy_class = self.get_policy_class(sync_type, delete, keep_days) return policy_class( source_file, source_folder, dest_file, dest_folder, now_millis, keep_days, newer_file_mode, compare_threshold, compare_version_mode, encryption_settings_provider, )
[docs] def get_policy_class(self, sync_type, delete, keep_days): """ Get policy class by a given sync type. :param str sync_type: synchronization type :param bool delete: if True, delete files and update from source :param int keep_days: keep for `keep_days` before delete :return: a policy class """ if sync_type == 'local-to-b2': if delete: return UpAndDeletePolicy elif keep_days: return UpAndKeepDaysPolicy else: return UpPolicy elif sync_type == 'b2-to-local': if delete: return DownAndDeletePolicy elif keep_days: return DownAndKeepDaysPolicy else: return DownPolicy elif sync_type == 'b2-to-b2': if delete: return CopyAndDeletePolicy elif keep_days: return CopyAndKeepDaysPolicy else: return CopyPolicy raise NotImplementedError( 'invalid sync type: %s, keep_days: %s, delete: %s' % ( sync_type, keep_days, delete, ) )
POLICY_MANAGER = SyncPolicyManager()