Source code for b2sdk.utils

# File: b2sdk/
# Copyright 2019 Backblaze Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# License

import hashlib
import os
import platform
import re
import shutil
import tempfile
import concurrent.futures as futures
from decimal import Decimal
from urllib.parse import quote, unquote_plus

from logfury.v0_1 import DefaultTraceAbstractMeta, DefaultTraceMeta, limit_trace_arguments, disable_trace, trace_call

[docs]def interruptible_get_result(future): """ Wait for the result of a future in a way that can be interrupted by a KeyboardInterrupt. This is not necessary in Python 3, but is needed for Python 2. :param future: a future to get result of :type future: Future """ while True: try: return future.result(timeout=1.0) except futures.TimeoutError: pass
[docs]def b2_url_encode(s): """ URL-encode a unicode string to be sent to B2 in an HTTP header. :param s: a unicode string to encode :type s: str :return: URL-encoded string :rtype: str """ return quote(s.encode('utf-8'))
[docs]def b2_url_decode(s): """ Decode a Unicode string returned from B2 in an HTTP header. :param s: a unicode string to decode :type s: str :return: a Python unicode string. :rtype: str """ return unquote_plus(s)
[docs]def choose_part_ranges(content_length, minimum_part_size): """ Return a list of (offset, length) for the parts of a large file. :param content_length: content length value :type content_length: int :param minimum_part_size: a minimum file part size :type minimum_part_size: int :rtype: list """ # If the file is at least twice the minimum part size, we are guaranteed # to be able to break it into multiple parts that are all at least # the minimum part size. assert minimum_part_size * 2 <= content_length # How many parts can we make? part_count = min(content_length // minimum_part_size, 10000) assert 2 <= part_count # All of the parts, except the last, are the same size. The # last one may be bigger. part_size = content_length // part_count last_part_size = content_length - (part_size * (part_count - 1)) assert minimum_part_size <= last_part_size # Make all of the parts except the last parts = [(i * part_size, part_size) for i in range(part_count - 1)] # Add the last part start_of_last = (part_count - 1) * part_size last_part = (start_of_last, content_length - start_of_last) parts.append(last_part) return parts
[docs]def hex_sha1_of_stream(input_stream, content_length): """ Return the 40-character hex SHA1 checksum of the first content_length bytes in the input stream. :param input_stream: stream object, which exposes read() method :param content_length: expected length of the stream :type content_length: int :rtype: str """ remaining = content_length block_size = 1024 * 1024 digest = hashlib.sha1() while remaining != 0: to_read = min(remaining, block_size) data = if len(data) != to_read: raise ValueError( 'content_length(%s) is more than the size of the file' % content_length ) digest.update(data) remaining -= to_read return digest.hexdigest()
[docs]def hex_sha1_of_unlimited_stream(input_stream, limit=None): block_size = 1024 * 1024 content_length = 0 digest = hashlib.sha1() while True: if limit is not None: to_read = min(limit - content_length, block_size) else: to_read = block_size data = data_len = len(data) if data_len > 0: digest.update(data) content_length += data_len if data_len < to_read: return digest.hexdigest(), content_length
[docs]def hex_sha1_of_bytes(data: bytes) -> str: """ Return the 40-character hex SHA1 checksum of the data. """ return hashlib.sha1(data).hexdigest()
[docs]def hex_md5_of_bytes(data: bytes) -> str: """ Return the 32-character hex MD5 checksum of the data. """ return hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest()
[docs]def validate_b2_file_name(name): """ Raise a ValueError if the name is not a valid B2 file name. :param name: a string to check :type name: str """ if not isinstance(name, str): raise ValueError('file name must be a string, not bytes') name_utf8 = name.encode('utf-8') if len(name_utf8) < 1: raise ValueError('file name too short (0 utf-8 bytes)') if 1000 < len(name_utf8): raise ValueError('file name too long (more than 1000 utf-8 bytes)') if name[0] == '/': raise ValueError("file names must not start with '/'") if name[-1] == '/': raise ValueError("file names must not end with '/'") if '\\' in name: raise ValueError("file names must not contain '\\'") if '//' in name: raise ValueError("file names must not contain '//'") if chr(127) in name: raise ValueError("file names must not contain DEL") if any(250 < len(segment) for segment in name_utf8.split(b'/')): raise ValueError("file names segments (between '/') can be at most 250 utf-8 bytes")
[docs]def is_file_readable(local_path, reporter=None): """ Check if the local file has read permissions. :param local_path: a file path :type local_path: str :param reporter: reporter object to put errors on :rtype: bool """ if not os.path.exists(local_path): if reporter is not None: reporter.local_access_error(local_path) return False elif not os.access(local_path, os.R_OK): if reporter is not None: reporter.local_permission_error(local_path) return False return True
[docs]def get_file_mtime(local_path, rounded=True): """ Get modification time of a file in milliseconds. :param local_path: a file path :type local_path: str :param rounded: floating point time should be rounded instead of stripped :type rounded: bool :rtype: int """ mod_time = os.path.getmtime(local_path) * 1000 if rounded: # Using round() is non backward-compatible change, as some files # which were uploaded with older version would have newer mtime # on the destination, thus b2 may fail. # The default will be changed in v2. See #617 for details. return int(round(mod_time)) # Getting modification time of a file in v1 was implemented without rounding. # With some values on some systems, converting it back and forth will give different result. # It such case affected files can be uploaded by sync over and over again, despite the fact # that the modification time is always the same. See #617 for details. return int(mod_time)
[docs]def set_file_mtime(local_path, mod_time_millis, rounded=True): """ Set modification time of a file in milliseconds. :param local_path: a file path :type local_path: str :param mod_time_millis: time to be set :type mod_time_millis: int :param rounded: if False, the time is updated with small delta :type rounded: bool """ mod_time = mod_time_millis / 1000.0 if not rounded: # We have to convert it this way to avoid differences when mtime # is read from the local file in the next iterations, and time is fetched # without rounding. # This is caused by floating point arithmetic as POSIX systems # represents mtime as floats and B2 as integers. # E.g. for 1093258377393, it would be converted to 1093258377.393 # which is actually represented by 1093258377.3929998874664306640625. # When we save mtime and read it again, we will end up with 1093258377392. # The default will be changed in v2. See #617 for details. mod_time = float(Decimal('%.3f5' % mod_time)) os.utime(local_path, (mod_time, mod_time))
[docs]def fix_windows_path_limit(path): """ Prefix paths when running on Windows to overcome 260 character path length limit. See :param path: a path to prefix :type path: str :return: a prefixed path :rtype: str """ if platform.system() == 'Windows': if path.startswith('\\\\'): # UNC network path return '\\\\?\\UNC\\' + path[2:] elif os.path.isabs(path): # local absolute path return '\\\\?\\' + path else: # relative path, don't alter return path else: return path
[docs]class TempDir(object): """ Context manager that creates and destroys a temporary directory. """
[docs] def __enter__(self): """ Return the unicode path to the temp dir. """ dirpath_bytes = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.dirpath = str(dirpath_bytes.replace('\\', '\\\\')) return self.dirpath
[docs] def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): shutil.rmtree(self.dirpath) return None # do not hide exception
def _pick_scale_and_suffix(x): # suffixes for different scales suffixes = ' kMGTP' # We want to use the biggest suffix that makes sense. ref_digits = str(int(x)) index = (len(ref_digits) - 1) // 3 suffix = suffixes[index] if suffix == ' ': suffix = '' scale = 1000**index return (scale, suffix)
[docs]def format_and_scale_number(x, unit): """ Pick a good scale for representing a number and format it. :param x: a number :type x: int :param unit: an arbitrary unit name :type unit: str :return: scaled and formatted number :rtype: str """ # simple case for small numbers if x < 1000: return '%d %s' % (x, unit) # pick a scale (scale, suffix) = _pick_scale_and_suffix(x) # decide how many digits after the decimal to display scaled = x / scale if scaled < 10.0: fmt = '%1.2f %s%s' elif scaled < 100.0: fmt = '%1.1f %s%s' else: fmt = '%1.0f %s%s' # format it return fmt % (scaled, suffix, unit)
[docs]def format_and_scale_fraction(numerator, denominator, unit): """ Pick a good scale for representing a fraction, and format it. :param numerator: a numerator of a fraction :type numerator: int :param denominator: a denominator of a fraction :type denominator: int :param unit: an arbitrary unit name :type unit: str :return: scaled and formatted fraction :rtype: str """ # simple case for small numbers if denominator < 1000: return '%d / %d %s' % (numerator, denominator, unit) # pick a scale (scale, suffix) = _pick_scale_and_suffix(denominator) # decide how many digits after the decimal to display scaled_denominator = denominator / scale if scaled_denominator < 10.0: fmt = '%1.2f / %1.2f %s%s' elif scaled_denominator < 100.0: fmt = '%1.1f / %1.1f %s%s' else: fmt = '%1.0f / %1.0f %s%s' # format it scaled_numerator = numerator / scale return fmt % (scaled_numerator, scaled_denominator, suffix, unit)
_CAMELCASE_TO_UNDERSCORE_RE = re.compile('((?<=[a-z0-9])[A-Z]|(?!^)[A-Z](?=[a-z]))')
[docs]def camelcase_to_underscore(input_): """ Convert a camel-cased string to a string with underscores. :param input_: an input string :type input_: str :return: string with underscores :rtype: str """ return _CAMELCASE_TO_UNDERSCORE_RE.sub(r'_\1', input_).lower()
[docs]class B2TraceMeta(DefaultTraceMeta): """ Trace all public method calls, except for ones with names that begin with `get_`. """ pass
[docs]class B2TraceMetaAbstract(DefaultTraceAbstractMeta): """ Default class for tracers, to be set as a metaclass for abstract base classes. """ pass
[docs]class ConcurrentUsedAuthTokenGuard(object): """ Context manager preventing two tokens being used simultaneously. Throws UploadTokenUsedConcurrently when unable to acquire a lock Sample usage: with ConcurrentUsedAuthTokenGuard(lock_for_token, token): # code that uses the token exclusively """
[docs] def __init__(self, lock, token): self.lock = lock self.token = token
def __enter__(self): if not self.lock.acquire(False): from b2sdk.exception import UploadTokenUsedConcurrently raise UploadTokenUsedConcurrently(self.token) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): try: self.lock.release() except RuntimeError: # guard against releasing a non-acquired lock pass
assert disable_trace assert limit_trace_arguments assert trace_call