# File: b2sdk/_internal/file_lock.py
# Copyright 2021 Backblaze Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# License https://www.backblaze.com/using_b2_code.html
from __future__ import annotations
import enum
from .exception import UnexpectedCloudBehaviour
ACTIONS_WITHOUT_LOCK_SETTINGS = frozenset(['hide', 'folder'])
class RetentionMode(enum.Enum):
"""Enum class representing retention modes set in files and buckets"""
GOVERNANCE = "governance" #: retention settings for files in this mode can be modified by clients with appropriate application key capabilities
COMPLIANCE = "compliance" #: retention settings for files in this mode can only be modified by extending the retention dates by clients with appropriate application key capabilities
NONE = None #: retention not set
UNKNOWN = "unknown" #: the client is not authorized to read retention settings
[docs]class RetentionPeriod:
"""Represent a time period (either in days or in years) that is used as a default for bucket retention"""
KNOWN_UNITS = ['days', 'years']
[docs] def __init__(self, years: int | None = None, days: int | None = None):
"""Create a retention period, provide exactly one of: days, years"""
assert (years is None) != (days is None)
if years is not None:
self.duration = years
self.unit = 'years'
self.duration = days
self.unit = 'days'
[docs] @classmethod
def from_period_dict(cls, period_dict):
Build a RetentionPeriod from an object returned by the server, such as:
.. code-block ::
"duration": 2,
"unit": "years"
assert period_dict['unit'] in cls.KNOWN_UNITS
return cls(**{period_dict['unit']: period_dict['duration']})
[docs] def as_dict(self):
return {
"duration": self.duration,
"unit": self.unit,
def __repr__(self):
return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self.duration} {self.unit})'
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.unit == other.unit and self.duration == other.duration
[docs]class FileRetentionSetting:
"""Represent file retention settings, i.e. whether the file is retained, in which mode and until when"""
[docs] def __init__(self, mode: RetentionMode, retain_until: int | None = None):
if mode in RETENTION_MODES_REQUIRING_PERIODS and retain_until is None:
raise ValueError(f'must specify retain_until for retention mode {mode}')
self.mode = mode
self.retain_until = retain_until
def from_file_version_dict(cls, file_version_dict: dict) -> FileRetentionSetting:
Returns FileRetentionSetting for the given file_version_dict retrieved from the api. E.g.
.. code-block ::
"action": "upload",
"fileRetention": {
"isClientAuthorizedToRead": false,
"value": null
"action": "upload",
"fileRetention": {
"isClientAuthorizedToRead": true,
"value": {
"mode": "governance",
"retainUntilTimestamp": 1628942493000
if 'fileRetention' not in file_version_dict:
if file_version_dict['action'] not in ACTIONS_WITHOUT_LOCK_SETTINGS:
raise UnexpectedCloudBehaviour(
'No fileRetention provided for file version with action=%s' %
file_retention_dict = file_version_dict['fileRetention']
if not file_retention_dict['isClientAuthorizedToRead']:
return cls(RetentionMode.UNKNOWN, None)
return cls.from_file_retention_value_dict(file_retention_dict['value'])
def from_file_retention_value_dict(
cls, file_retention_value_dict: dict
) -> FileRetentionSetting:
mode = file_retention_value_dict['mode']
if mode is None:
return cls(
def from_server_response(cls, server_response: dict) -> FileRetentionSetting:
return cls.from_file_retention_value_dict(server_response['fileRetention'])
def from_response_headers(cls, headers) -> FileRetentionSetting:
retention_mode_header = 'X-Bz-File-Retention-Mode'
retain_until_header = 'X-Bz-File-Retention-Retain-Until-Timestamp'
if retention_mode_header in headers:
if retain_until_header in headers:
retain_until = int(headers[retain_until_header])
retain_until = None
return cls(RetentionMode(headers[retention_mode_header]), retain_until)
if 'X-Bz-Client-Unauthorized-To-Read' in headers and retention_mode_header in headers[
return NO_RETENTION_FILE_SETTING # the bucket is not file-lock-enabled or the file is has no retention set
def serialize_to_json_for_request(self):
if self.mode is RetentionMode.UNKNOWN:
raise ValueError('cannot use an unknown file retention setting in requests')
return self.as_dict()
def as_dict(self):
return {
"mode": self.mode.value,
"retainUntilTimestamp": self.retain_until,
def add_to_to_upload_headers(self, headers):
if self.mode is RetentionMode.UNKNOWN:
raise ValueError('cannot use an unknown file retention setting in requests')
headers['X-Bz-File-Retention-Mode'] = str(
) # mode = NONE is not supported by the server at the
# moment, but it should be
headers['X-Bz-File-Retention-Retain-Until-Timestamp'] = str(self.retain_until)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.mode == other.mode and self.retain_until == other.retain_until
def __repr__(self):
return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({repr(self.mode.value)}, {repr(self.retain_until)})'
class LegalHold(enum.Enum):
"""Enum holding information about legalHold switch in a file."""
ON = 'on' #: legal hold set to "on"
OFF = 'off' #: legal hold set to "off"
UNSET = None #: server default, as for now it is functionally equivalent to OFF
UNKNOWN = 'unknown' #: the client is not authorized to read legal hold settings
[docs] def is_on(self):
"""Is the legalHold switch on?"""
return self is LegalHold.ON
[docs] def is_off(self):
"""Is the legalHold switch off or left as default (which also means off)?"""
return self is LegalHold.OFF or self is LegalHold.UNSET
[docs] def is_unknown(self):
"""Is the legalHold switch unknown?"""
return self is LegalHold.UNKNOWN
def from_file_version_dict(cls, file_version_dict: dict) -> LegalHold:
if 'legalHold' not in file_version_dict:
if file_version_dict['action'] not in ACTIONS_WITHOUT_LOCK_SETTINGS:
raise UnexpectedCloudBehaviour(
'legalHold not provided for file version with action=%s' %
return cls.UNSET
if not file_version_dict['legalHold']['isClientAuthorizedToRead']:
return cls.UNKNOWN
return cls.from_string_or_none(file_version_dict['legalHold']['value'])
def from_server_response(cls, server_response: dict) -> LegalHold:
return cls.from_string_or_none(server_response['legalHold'])
def from_string_or_none(cls, string: str | None) -> LegalHold:
return cls(string)
def from_response_headers(cls, headers) -> LegalHold:
legal_hold_header = 'X-Bz-File-Legal-Hold'
if legal_hold_header in headers:
return cls(headers['X-Bz-File-Legal-Hold'])
if 'X-Bz-Client-Unauthorized-To-Read' in headers and legal_hold_header in headers[
return cls.UNKNOWN
return cls.UNSET # the bucket is not file-lock-enabled or the header is missing for any other reason
def to_server(self) -> str:
if self.is_unknown():
raise ValueError('Cannot use an unknown legal hold in requests')
if self.is_on():
return self.__class__.ON.value
return self.__class__.OFF.value
def add_to_upload_headers(self, headers):
headers['X-Bz-File-Legal-Hold'] = self.to_server()
[docs]class BucketRetentionSetting:
"""Represent bucket's default file retention settings, i.e. whether the files should be retained, in which mode
and for how long"""
[docs] def __init__(self, mode: RetentionMode, period: RetentionPeriod | None = None):
if mode in RETENTION_MODES_REQUIRING_PERIODS and period is None:
raise ValueError(f'must specify period for retention mode {mode}')
self.mode = mode
self.period = period
def from_bucket_retention_dict(cls, retention_dict: dict):
Build a BucketRetentionSetting from an object returned by the server, such as:
.. code-block::
"mode": "compliance",
"period": {
"duration": 7,
"unit": "days"
period = retention_dict['period']
if period is not None:
period = RetentionPeriod.from_period_dict(period)
return cls(RetentionMode(retention_dict['mode']), period)
def as_dict(self):
result = {
'mode': self.mode.value,
if self.period is not None:
result['period'] = self.period.as_dict()
return result
def serialize_to_json_for_request(self):
if self.mode == RetentionMode.UNKNOWN:
raise ValueError('cannot use an unknown file lock configuration in requests')
return self.as_dict()
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.mode == other.mode and self.period == other.period
def __repr__(self):
return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({repr(self.mode.value)}, {repr(self.period)})'
[docs]class FileLockConfiguration:
"""Represent bucket's file lock configuration, i.e. whether the file lock mechanism is enabled and default
file retention"""
[docs] def __init__(
default_retention: BucketRetentionSetting,
is_file_lock_enabled: bool | None,
self.default_retention = default_retention
self.is_file_lock_enabled = is_file_lock_enabled
def from_bucket_dict(cls, bucket_dict):
Build a FileLockConfiguration from an object returned by server, such as:
.. code-block::
"isClientAuthorizedToRead": true,
"value": {
"defaultRetention": {
"mode": "governance",
"period": {
"duration": 2,
"unit": "years"
"isFileLockEnabled": true
"isClientAuthorizedToRead": false,
"value": null
if not bucket_dict['fileLockConfiguration']['isClientAuthorizedToRead']:
retention = BucketRetentionSetting.from_bucket_retention_dict(
is_file_lock_enabled = bucket_dict['fileLockConfiguration']['value']['isFileLockEnabled']
return cls(retention, is_file_lock_enabled)
def as_dict(self):
return {
"defaultRetention": self.default_retention.as_dict(),
"isFileLockEnabled": self.is_file_lock_enabled,
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.default_retention == other.default_retention and self.is_file_lock_enabled == other.is_file_lock_enabled
def __repr__(self):
return '{}({}, {})'.format(
self.__class__.__name__, repr(self.default_retention), repr(self.is_file_lock_enabled)
UNKNOWN_BUCKET_RETENTION = BucketRetentionSetting(RetentionMode.UNKNOWN)
"""Commonly used "unknown" default bucket retention setting"""
"""Commonly used "unknown" bucket file lock setting"""
NO_RETENTION_BUCKET_SETTING = BucketRetentionSetting(RetentionMode.NONE)
"""Commonly used "no retention" default bucket retention"""
NO_RETENTION_FILE_SETTING = FileRetentionSetting(RetentionMode.NONE)
"""Commonly used "no retention" file setting"""
"""Commonly used "unknown" file retention setting"""