# File: b2sdk/_internal/requests/__init__.py
# Copyright 2021 Backblaze Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright 2019 Kenneth Reitz
# License https://www.backblaze.com/using_b2_code.html
# License Apache License 2.0 (http://www.apache.org/licenses/ and LICENSE file in this directory)
"""This file contains modified parts of the requests module (https://github.com/psf/requests, models.py), original
Copyright 2019 Kenneth Reitz
Changes made to the original source: see NOTICE
from requests import Response, ConnectionError
from requests.exceptions import ChunkedEncodingError, ContentDecodingError, StreamConsumedError
from requests.utils import iter_slices, stream_decode_response_unicode
from urllib3.exceptions import ProtocolError, DecodeError, ReadTimeoutError
from . import included_source_meta
[docs]class NotDecompressingResponse(Response):
[docs] def iter_content(self, chunk_size=1, decode_unicode=False):
def generate():
# Special case for urllib3.
if hasattr(self.raw, 'stream'):
# set decode_content to False to prevent decompressing files that
# when Content-Encoding response header is set
for chunk in self.raw.stream(chunk_size, decode_content=False):
yield chunk
except ProtocolError as e:
raise ChunkedEncodingError(e)
except DecodeError as e:
raise ContentDecodingError(e)
except ReadTimeoutError as e:
raise ConnectionError(e)
# Standard file-like object.
while True:
chunk = self.raw.read(chunk_size)
if not chunk:
yield chunk
self._content_consumed = True
if self._content_consumed and isinstance(self._content, bool):
raise StreamConsumedError()
elif chunk_size is not None and not isinstance(chunk_size, int):
raise TypeError("chunk_size must be an int, it is instead a %s." % type(chunk_size))
# simulate reading small chunks of the content
reused_chunks = iter_slices(self._content, chunk_size)
stream_chunks = generate()
chunks = reused_chunks if self._content_consumed else stream_chunks
if decode_unicode:
chunks = stream_decode_response_unicode(chunks, self)
return chunks
[docs] @classmethod
def from_builtin_response(cls, response: Response):
Create a :class:`b2sdk._internal.requests.NotDecompressingResponse` object from a :class:`requests.Response` object.
Don't use :code:`Response.__getstate__` and :code:`Response.__setstate__`
because these assume that the content has been consumed, which will never be true in our case.
new_response = cls()
for attr_name in cls.__attrs__:
setattr(new_response, attr_name, getattr(response, attr_name))
new_response.raw = response.raw
return new_response