# File: b2sdk/_internal/scan/scan.py
# Copyright 2022 Backblaze Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# License https://www.backblaze.com/using_b2_code.html
from __future__ import annotations
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractclassmethod, abstractmethod
from collections import Counter
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import ClassVar
from ..file_version import FileVersion
from .folder import AbstractFolder
from .path import AbstractPath
from .policies import DEFAULT_SCAN_MANAGER, ScanPoliciesManager
from .report import ProgressReport
[docs]def zip_folders(
folder_a: AbstractFolder,
folder_b: AbstractFolder,
reporter: ProgressReport,
policies_manager: ScanPoliciesManager = DEFAULT_SCAN_MANAGER,
) -> tuple[AbstractPath | None, AbstractPath | None]:
Iterate over all of the files in the union of two folders,
matching file names.
Each item is a pair (file_a, file_b) with the corresponding file
in both folders. Either file (but not both) will be None if the
file is in only one folder.
:param b2sdk._internal.scan.folder.AbstractFolder folder_a: first folder object.
:param b2sdk._internal.scan.folder.AbstractFolder folder_b: second folder object.
:param reporter: reporter object
:param policies_manager: policies manager object
:return: yields two element tuples
iter_a = folder_a.all_files(reporter, policies_manager)
iter_b = folder_b.all_files(reporter)
current_a = next(iter_a, None)
current_b = next(iter_b, None)
while current_a is not None or current_b is not None:
if current_a is None:
yield (None, current_b)
current_b = next(iter_b, None)
elif current_b is None:
yield (current_a, None)
current_a = next(iter_a, None)
elif current_a.relative_path < current_b.relative_path:
yield (current_a, None)
current_a = next(iter_a, None)
elif current_b.relative_path < current_a.relative_path:
yield (None, current_b)
current_b = next(iter_b, None)
assert current_a.relative_path == current_b.relative_path
yield (current_a, current_b)
current_a = next(iter_a, None)
current_b = next(iter_b, None)
class AbstractScanResult(metaclass=ABCMeta):
Some attributes of files which are meaningful for monitoring and troubleshooting.
[docs] @abstractclassmethod
def from_files(cls, *files: AbstractPath | None) -> AbstractScanResult:
class AbstractScanReport(metaclass=ABCMeta):
Aggregation of valuable information about files after scanning.
SCAN_RESULT_CLASS: ClassVar[type] = AbstractScanResult
[docs] @abstractmethod
def add(self, *files: AbstractPath | None) -> None:
class CountAndSampleScanReport(AbstractScanReport):
Scan report which groups and counts files by their `AbstractScanResult` and
also stores first and last seen examples of such files.
counter_by_status: Counter = field(default_factory=Counter)
samples_by_status_first: dict[AbstractScanResult, tuple[FileVersion, ...]] = field(
samples_by_status_last: dict[AbstractScanResult, tuple[FileVersion, ...]] = field(
[docs] def add(self, *files: AbstractPath | None) -> None:
status = self.SCAN_RESULT_CLASS.from_files(*files)
self.counter_by_status[status] += 1
sample = tuple(file and file.selected_version for file in files)
self.samples_by_status_first.setdefault(status, sample)
self.samples_by_status_last[status] = sample