# File: b2sdk/_internal/utils/__init__.py
# Copyright 2022 Backblaze Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# License https://www.backblaze.com/using_b2_code.html
from __future__ import annotations
import base64
import hashlib
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import platform
import re
import time
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from decimal import Decimal
from itertools import chain
from typing import Any, Iterator, NewType, TypeVar
from urllib.parse import quote, unquote_plus
from logfury.v1 import DefaultTraceAbstractMeta, DefaultTraceMeta, limit_trace_arguments, disable_trace, trace_call
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
Sha1HexDigest = NewType('Sha1HexDigest', str)
T = TypeVar('T')
# TODO: When we drop Python 3.7 support, this should be replaced
# with typing.Protocol that exposes read method.
ReadOnlyStream = Any
[docs]def b2_url_encode(s):
URL-encode a unicode string to be sent to B2 in an HTTP header.
:param s: a unicode string to encode
:type s: str
:return: URL-encoded string
:rtype: str
return quote(s.encode('utf-8'))
[docs]def b2_url_decode(s):
Decode a Unicode string returned from B2 in an HTTP header.
:param s: a unicode string to decode
:type s: str
:return: a Python unicode string.
:rtype: str
return unquote_plus(s)
[docs]def choose_part_ranges(content_length, minimum_part_size):
Return a list of (offset, length) for the parts of a large file.
:param content_length: content length value
:type content_length: int
:param minimum_part_size: a minimum file part size
:type minimum_part_size: int
:rtype: list
# If the file is at least twice the minimum part size, we are guaranteed
# to be able to break it into multiple parts that are all at least
# the minimum part size.
assert minimum_part_size * 2 <= content_length
# How many parts can we make?
part_count = min(content_length // minimum_part_size, 10000)
assert 2 <= part_count
# All of the parts, except the last, are the same size. The
# last one may be bigger.
part_size = content_length // part_count
last_part_size = content_length - (part_size * (part_count - 1))
assert minimum_part_size <= last_part_size
# Make all of the parts except the last
parts = [(i * part_size, part_size) for i in range(part_count - 1)]
# Add the last part
start_of_last = (part_count - 1) * part_size
last_part = (start_of_last, content_length - start_of_last)
return parts
[docs]def update_digest_from_stream(digest: T, input_stream: ReadOnlyStream, content_length: int) -> T:
Update and return `digest` with data read from `input_stream`
:param digest: a digest object, which exposes an `update(bytes)` method
:param input_stream: stream object, which exposes a `read(int|None)` method
:param content_length: expected length of the stream
:type content_length: int
remaining = content_length
block_size = 1024 * 1024
while remaining != 0:
to_read = min(remaining, block_size)
data = input_stream.read(to_read)
if len(data) != to_read:
raise ValueError(
'content_length(%s) is more than the size of the file' % content_length
remaining -= to_read
return digest
[docs]def hex_sha1_of_stream(input_stream: ReadOnlyStream, content_length: int) -> Sha1HexDigest:
Return the 40-character hex SHA1 checksum of the first content_length
bytes in the input stream.
:param input_stream: stream object, which exposes read(int|None) method
:param content_length: expected length of the stream
:type content_length: int
:rtype: str
return Sha1HexDigest(
class IncrementalHexDigester:
Calculates digest of a stream or parts of it.
stream: ReadOnlyStream
digest: 'hashlib._Hash' = field( # noqa (_Hash is a dynamic object)
read_bytes: int = 0
block_size: int = 1024 * 1024
def hex_digest(self) -> Sha1HexDigest:
return Sha1HexDigest(self.digest.hexdigest())
[docs] def update_from_stream(
limit: int | None = None,
) -> Sha1HexDigest:
:param limit: How many new bytes try to read from the stream. Default None – read until nothing left.
offset = 0
while True:
if limit is not None:
to_read = min(limit - offset, self.block_size)
to_read = self.block_size
data = self.stream.read(to_read)
data_len = len(data)
if data_len > 0:
self.read_bytes += data_len
offset += data_len
if data_len < to_read or to_read == 0:
return self.hex_digest
[docs]def hex_sha1_of_unlimited_stream(
input_stream: ReadOnlyStream,
limit: int | None = None,
) -> tuple[Sha1HexDigest, int]:
digester = IncrementalHexDigester(input_stream)
return digester.hex_digest, digester.read_bytes
[docs]def hex_sha1_of_file(path_) -> Sha1HexDigest:
with open(path_, 'rb') as file:
return hex_sha1_of_unlimited_stream(file)[0]
[docs]def hex_sha1_of_bytes(data: bytes) -> Sha1HexDigest:
Return the 40-character hex SHA1 checksum of the data.
return Sha1HexDigest(hashlib.sha1(data).hexdigest())
[docs]def hex_md5_of_bytes(data: bytes) -> str:
Return the 32-character hex MD5 checksum of the data.
return hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest()
[docs]def md5_of_bytes(data: bytes) -> bytes:
Return the 16-byte MD5 checksum of the data.
return hashlib.md5(data).digest()
[docs]def b64_of_bytes(data: bytes) -> str:
Return the base64 encoded represtantion of the data.
return base64.b64encode(data).decode()
[docs]def validate_b2_file_name(name):
Raise a ValueError if the name is not a valid B2 file name.
:param name: a string to check
:type name: str
if not isinstance(name, str):
raise ValueError('file name must be a string, not bytes')
name_utf8 = name.encode('utf-8')
except UnicodeEncodeError:
raise ValueError('file name must be valid Unicode, check locale')
if len(name_utf8) < 1:
raise ValueError('file name too short (0 utf-8 bytes)')
if 1000 < len(name_utf8):
raise ValueError('file name too long (more than 1000 utf-8 bytes)')
if name[0] == '/':
raise ValueError("file names must not start with '/'")
if name[-1] == '/':
raise ValueError("file names must not end with '/'")
if '\\' in name:
raise ValueError("file names must not contain '\\'")
if '//' in name:
raise ValueError("file names must not contain '//'")
if chr(127) in name:
raise ValueError("file names must not contain DEL")
if any(250 < len(segment) for segment in name_utf8.split(b'/')):
raise ValueError("file names segments (between '/') can be at most 250 utf-8 bytes")
[docs]def is_file_readable(local_path, reporter=None):
Check if the local file has read permissions.
:param local_path: a file path
:type local_path: str
:param reporter: reporter object to put errors on
:rtype: bool
if not os.path.exists(local_path):
if reporter is not None:
return False
elif not os.access(local_path, os.R_OK):
if reporter is not None:
return False
return True
[docs]def get_file_mtime(local_path):
Get modification time of a file in milliseconds.
:param local_path: a file path
:type local_path: str
:rtype: int
mod_time = os.path.getmtime(local_path) * 1000
return int(mod_time)
[docs]def is_special_file(path: str | pathlib.Path) -> bool:
Is the path a special file, such as /dev/null or stdout?
:param path: a "file" path
:return: True if the path is a special file
path_str = str(path)
return (
path == os.devnull or path_str.startswith('/dev/') or
platform.system() == 'Windows' and path_str.upper() in ('CON', 'NUL')
[docs]def set_file_mtime(local_path: str | pathlib.Path, mod_time_millis: int) -> None:
Set modification time of a file in milliseconds.
:param local_path: a file path
:param mod_time_millis: time to be set
mod_time = mod_time_millis / 1000.0
# We have to convert it this way to avoid differences when mtime
# is read from the local file in the next iterations, and time is fetched
# without rounding.
# This is caused by floating point arithmetic as POSIX systems
# represents mtime as floats and B2 as integers.
# E.g. for 1093258377393, it would be converted to 1093258377.393
# which is actually represented by 1093258377.3929998874664306640625.
# When we save mtime and read it again, we will end up with 1093258377392.
# See #617 for details.
mod_time = float(Decimal('%.3f5' % mod_time))
os.utime(local_path, (mod_time, mod_time))
except OSError:
if not is_special_file(local_path):
[docs]def fix_windows_path_limit(path):
Prefix paths when running on Windows to overcome 260 character path length limit.
See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa365247(v=vs.85).aspx#maxpath
:param path: a path to prefix
:type path: str
:return: a prefixed path
:rtype: str
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
if path.startswith('\\\\'):
# UNC network path
return '\\\\?\\UNC\\' + path[2:]
elif os.path.isabs(path):
# local absolute path
return '\\\\?\\' + path
# relative path, don't alter
return path
return path
def _pick_scale_and_suffix(x):
# suffixes for different scales
suffixes = ' kMGTP'
# We want to use the biggest suffix that makes sense.
ref_digits = str(int(x))
index = (len(ref_digits) - 1) // 3
suffix = suffixes[index]
if suffix == ' ':
suffix = ''
scale = 1000**index
return (scale, suffix)
_CAMELCASE_TO_UNDERSCORE_RE = re.compile('((?<=[a-z0-9])[A-Z]|(?!^)[A-Z](?=[a-z]))')
[docs]def camelcase_to_underscore(input_):
Convert a camel-cased string to a string with underscores.
:param input_: an input string
:type input_: str
:return: string with underscores
:rtype: str
return _CAMELCASE_TO_UNDERSCORE_RE.sub(r'_\1', input_).lower()
[docs]class ConcurrentUsedAuthTokenGuard:
Context manager preventing two tokens being used simultaneously.
Throws UploadTokenUsedConcurrently when unable to acquire a lock
Sample usage:
with ConcurrentUsedAuthTokenGuard(lock_for_token, token):
# code that uses the token exclusively
[docs] def __init__(self, lock, token):
self.lock = lock
self.token = token
def __enter__(self):
if not self.lock.acquire(False):
from b2sdk._internal.exception import UploadTokenUsedConcurrently
raise UploadTokenUsedConcurrently(self.token)
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
except RuntimeError:
# guard against releasing a non-acquired lock
[docs]def current_time_millis():
File times are in integer milliseconds, to avoid roundoff errors.
return int(round(time.time() * 1000))
[docs]def iterator_peek(iterator: Iterator[T], count: int) -> tuple[list[T], Iterator[T]]:
Get up to the `count` first elements yielded by `iterator`.
The function will read `count` elements from `iterator` or less if the end is reached first. Returns a tuple
consisting of a list of retrieved elements and an iterator equivalent to the input iterator.
ret = []
for _ in range(count):
except StopIteration:
return ret, chain(ret, iterator)
assert disable_trace
assert limit_trace_arguments
assert trace_call