Source code for b2sdk.v2.bucket

# File: b2sdk/v2/
# Copyright 2021 Backblaze Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# License
from __future__ import annotations

import typing

from b2sdk import _v3 as v3
from b2sdk._v3.exception import BucketIdNotFound as v3BucketIdNotFound
from b2sdk.v2._compat import _file_infos_rename
from b2sdk._internal.http_constants import LIST_FILE_NAMES_MAX_LIMIT
from .exception import BucketIdNotFound
from .file_version import FileVersionFactory

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from b2sdk._internal.utils import Sha1HexDigest
    from b2sdk._internal.filter import Filter
    from .file_version import FileVersion

# Overridden to raise old style BucketIdNotFound exception
[docs]class Bucket(v3.Bucket): FILE_VERSION_FACTORY_CLASS = staticmethod(FileVersionFactory)
[docs] def get_fresh_state(self) -> Bucket: try: return super().get_fresh_state() except v3BucketIdNotFound as e: raise BucketIdNotFound(e.bucket_id)
[docs] @_file_infos_rename def upload_bytes( self, data_bytes, file_name, content_type=None, file_info: dict | None = None, progress_listener=None, encryption: v3.EncryptionSetting | None = None, file_retention: v3.FileRetentionSetting | None = None, legal_hold: v3.LegalHold | None = None, large_file_sha1: Sha1HexDigest | None = None, custom_upload_timestamp: int | None = None, cache_control: str | None = None, *args, **kwargs ): return super().upload_bytes( data_bytes, file_name, content_type, file_info, progress_listener, encryption, file_retention, legal_hold, large_file_sha1, custom_upload_timestamp, cache_control, *args, **kwargs, )
[docs] @_file_infos_rename def upload_local_file( self, local_file, file_name, content_type=None, file_info: dict | None = None, sha1_sum=None, min_part_size=None, progress_listener=None, encryption: v3.EncryptionSetting | None = None, file_retention: v3.FileRetentionSetting | None = None, legal_hold: v3.LegalHold | None = None, upload_mode: v3.UploadMode = v3.UploadMode.FULL, custom_upload_timestamp: int | None = None, cache_control: str | None = None, *args, **kwargs ): return super().upload_local_file( local_file, file_name, content_type, file_info, sha1_sum, min_part_size, progress_listener, encryption, file_retention, legal_hold, upload_mode, custom_upload_timestamp, cache_control, *args, **kwargs, )
[docs] def ls( self, folder_to_list: str = '', latest_only: bool = True, recursive: bool = False, fetch_count: int | None = LIST_FILE_NAMES_MAX_LIMIT, with_wildcard: bool = False, filters: typing.Sequence[Filter] = (), folder_to_list_can_be_a_file: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> typing.Iterable[tuple[FileVersion, str]]: """ Pretend that folders exist and yields the information about the files in a folder. B2 has a flat namespace for the files in a bucket, but there is a convention of using "/" as if there were folders. This method searches through the flat namespace to find the files and "folders" that live within a given folder. When the `recursive` flag is set, lists all of the files in the given folder, and all of its sub-folders. :param folder_to_list: the name of the folder to list; must not start with "/". Empty string means top-level folder :param latest_only: when ``False`` returns info about all versions of a file, when ``True``, just returns info about the most recent versions :param recursive: if ``True``, list folders recursively :param fetch_count: how many entries to list per API call or ``None`` to use the default. Acceptable values: 1 - 10000 :param with_wildcard: Accepts "*", "?", "[]" and "[!]" in folder_to_list, similarly to what shell does. As of 1.19.0 it can only be enabled when recursive is also enabled. Also, in this mode, folder_to_list is considered to be a filename or a pattern. :param filters: list of filters to apply to the files returned by the server. :param folder_to_list_can_be_a_file: if ``True``, folder_to_list can be a file, not just a folder This enabled default behavior of, in which for all paths that do not end with '/', first we try to check if file with this exact name exists, and only if it does not then we try to list files with this prefix. :rtype: generator[tuple[b2sdk.v2.FileVersion, str]] :returns: generator of (file_version, folder_name) tuples .. note:: In case of `recursive=True`, folder_name is not returned. """ if not folder_to_list_can_be_a_file and folder_to_list and not folder_to_list.endswith( '/' ) and not with_wildcard: folder_to_list += '/' yield from super().ls( path=folder_to_list, latest_only=latest_only, recursive=recursive, fetch_count=fetch_count, with_wildcard=with_wildcard, filters=filters, **kwargs )
# Overridden to use old style Bucket class BucketFactory(v3.BucketFactory): BUCKET_CLASS = staticmethod(Bucket)