Source code for b2sdk.raw_api

# File: b2sdk/
# Copyright 2019 Backblaze Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# License

from __future__ import print_function

import base64
import os
import random
import re
import sys
import time
import traceback
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from enum import Enum, unique

import six

from .b2http import B2Http
from .exception import UnusableFileName, InvalidMetadataDirective
from .utils import b2_url_encode, hex_sha1_of_stream

# All possible capabilities

# Standard names for file info entries
SRC_LAST_MODIFIED_MILLIS = 'src_last_modified_millis'

# Special X-Bz-Content-Sha1 value to verify checksum at the end
HEX_DIGITS_AT_END = 'hex_digits_at_end'

# API version number to use when calling the service

[docs]@unique class MetadataDirectiveMode(Enum): COPY = 401 REPLACE = 402
[docs]@six.add_metaclass(ABCMeta) class AbstractRawApi(object): """ Direct access to the B2 web apis. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def cancel_large_file(self, api_url, account_auth_token, file_id): pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def delete_bucket(self, api_url, account_auth_token, account_id, bucket_id): pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def delete_file_version(self, api_url, account_auth_token, file_id, file_name): pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def finish_large_file(self, api_url, account_auth_token, file_id, part_sha1_array): pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_upload_part_url(self, api_url, account_auth_token, file_id): pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def hide_file(self, api_url, account_auth_token, bucket_id, file_name): pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def list_parts(self, api_url, account_auth_token, file_id, start_part_number, max_part_count): pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def list_unfinished_large_files( self, api_url, account_auth_token, bucket_id, start_file_id=None, max_file_count=None ): pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def start_large_file( self, api_url, account_auth_token, bucket_id, file_name, content_type, file_info ): pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def update_bucket( self, api_url, account_auth_token, account_id, bucket_id, bucket_type=None, bucket_info=None, cors_rules=None, lifecycle_rules=None, if_revision_is=None ): pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def upload_part( self, upload_url, upload_auth_token, part_number, content_length, sha1_sum, input_stream ): pass
[docs] def get_download_url_by_id(self, download_url, account_auth_token, file_id): return '%s/b2api/%s/b2_download_file_by_id?fileId=%s' % (download_url, API_VERSION, file_id)
[docs] def get_download_url_by_name(self, download_url, account_auth_token, bucket_name, file_name): return download_url + '/file/' + bucket_name + '/' + b2_url_encode(file_name)
[docs] @abstractmethod def copy_file( self, api_url, account_auth_token, source_file_id, new_file_name, bytes_range=None, metadata_directive=None, content_type=None, file_info=None, destination_bucket_id=None, ): pass
[docs]class B2RawApi(AbstractRawApi): """ Provide access to the B2 web APIs, exactly as they are provided by b2. Requires that you provide all necessary URLs and auth tokens for each call. Each API call decodes the returned JSON and returns a dict. For details on what each method does, see the B2 docs: This class is intended to be a super-simple, very thin layer on top of the HTTP calls. It can be mocked-out for testing higher layers. And this class can be tested by exercising each call just once, which is relatively quick. All public methods of this class except authorize_account shall accept api_url and account_info as first two positional arguments. This is needed for B2Session magic. """
[docs] def __init__(self, b2_http): self.b2_http = b2_http
def _post_json(self, base_url, api_name, auth, **params): """ A helper method for calling an API with the given auth and params. :param base_url: something like "" :param auth: passed in Authorization header :param api_name: example: "b2_create_bucket" :param args: the rest of the parameters are passed to b2 :return: """ url = '%s/b2api/%s/%s' % (base_url, API_VERSION, api_name) headers = {'Authorization': auth} return self.b2_http.post_json_return_json(url, headers, params)
[docs] def authorize_account(self, realm_url, application_key_id, application_key): auth = b'Basic ' + base64.b64encode(six.b('%s:%s' % (application_key_id, application_key))) return self._post_json(realm_url, 'b2_authorize_account', auth)
[docs] def cancel_large_file(self, api_url, account_auth_token, file_id): return self._post_json(api_url, 'b2_cancel_large_file', account_auth_token, fileId=file_id)
[docs] def create_bucket( self, api_url, account_auth_token, account_id, bucket_name, bucket_type, bucket_info=None, cors_rules=None, lifecycle_rules=None ): return self._post_json( api_url, 'b2_create_bucket', account_auth_token, accountId=account_id, bucketName=bucket_name, bucketType=bucket_type, bucketInfo=bucket_info, corsRules=cors_rules, lifecycleRules=lifecycle_rules )
[docs] def create_key( self, api_url, account_auth_token, account_id, capabilities, key_name, valid_duration_seconds, bucket_id, name_prefix ): return self._post_json( api_url, 'b2_create_key', account_auth_token, accountId=account_id, capabilities=capabilities, keyName=key_name, validDurationInSeconds=valid_duration_seconds, bucketId=bucket_id, namePrefix=name_prefix, )
[docs] def delete_bucket(self, api_url, account_auth_token, account_id, bucket_id): return self._post_json( api_url, 'b2_delete_bucket', account_auth_token, accountId=account_id, bucketId=bucket_id )
[docs] def delete_file_version(self, api_url, account_auth_token, file_id, file_name): return self._post_json( api_url, 'b2_delete_file_version', account_auth_token, fileId=file_id, fileName=file_name )
[docs] def delete_key(self, api_url, account_auth_token, application_key_id): return self._post_json( api_url, 'b2_delete_key', account_auth_token, applicationKeyId=application_key_id, )
[docs] def download_file_from_url(self, _, account_auth_token_or_none, url, range_=None): """ Issue a streaming request for download of a file, potentially authorized. :param _: unused (caused by B2Session magic) :param account_auth_token_or_none: an optional account auth token to pass in :param url: the full URL to download from :param range: two-element tuple for http Range header :return: b2_http response """ request_headers = {} _add_range_header(request_headers, range_) if account_auth_token_or_none is not None: request_headers['Authorization'] = account_auth_token_or_none return self.b2_http.get_content(url, request_headers)
[docs] def finish_large_file(self, api_url, account_auth_token, file_id, part_sha1_array): return self._post_json( api_url, 'b2_finish_large_file', account_auth_token, fileId=file_id, partSha1Array=part_sha1_array )
[docs] def get_download_authorization( self, api_url, account_auth_token, bucket_id, file_name_prefix, valid_duration_in_seconds ): return self._post_json( api_url, 'b2_get_download_authorization', account_auth_token, bucketId=bucket_id, fileNamePrefix=file_name_prefix, validDurationInSeconds=valid_duration_in_seconds )
[docs] def get_file_info(self, api_url, account_auth_token, file_id): return self._post_json(api_url, 'b2_get_file_info', account_auth_token, fileId=file_id)
[docs] def get_upload_url(self, api_url, account_auth_token, bucket_id): return self._post_json(api_url, 'b2_get_upload_url', account_auth_token, bucketId=bucket_id)
[docs] def get_upload_part_url(self, api_url, account_auth_token, file_id): return self._post_json( api_url, 'b2_get_upload_part_url', account_auth_token, fileId=file_id )
[docs] def hide_file(self, api_url, account_auth_token, bucket_id, file_name): return self._post_json( api_url, 'b2_hide_file', account_auth_token, bucketId=bucket_id, fileName=file_name )
[docs] def list_buckets( self, api_url, account_auth_token, account_id, bucket_id=None, bucket_name=None, ): return self._post_json( api_url, 'b2_list_buckets', account_auth_token, accountId=account_id, bucketTypes=['all'], bucketId=bucket_id, bucketName=bucket_name, )
[docs] def list_file_names( self, api_url, account_auth_token, bucket_id, start_file_name=None, max_file_count=None, prefix=None, ): return self._post_json( api_url, 'b2_list_file_names', account_auth_token, bucketId=bucket_id, startFileName=start_file_name, maxFileCount=max_file_count, prefix=prefix, )
[docs] def list_file_versions( self, api_url, account_auth_token, bucket_id, start_file_name=None, start_file_id=None, max_file_count=None, prefix=None, ): return self._post_json( api_url, 'b2_list_file_versions', account_auth_token, bucketId=bucket_id, startFileName=start_file_name, startFileId=start_file_id, maxFileCount=max_file_count, prefix=prefix, )
[docs] def list_keys( self, api_url, account_auth_token, account_id, max_key_count=None, start_application_key_id=None ): return self._post_json( api_url, 'b2_list_keys', account_auth_token, accountId=account_id, maxKeyCount=max_key_count, startApplicationKeyId=start_application_key_id, )
[docs] def list_parts(self, api_url, account_auth_token, file_id, start_part_number, max_part_count): return self._post_json( api_url, 'b2_list_parts', account_auth_token, fileId=file_id, startPartNumber=start_part_number, maxPartCount=max_part_count )
[docs] def list_unfinished_large_files( self, api_url, account_auth_token, bucket_id, start_file_id=None, max_file_count=None ): return self._post_json( api_url, 'b2_list_unfinished_large_files', account_auth_token, bucketId=bucket_id, startFileId=start_file_id, maxFileCount=max_file_count )
[docs] def start_large_file( self, api_url, account_auth_token, bucket_id, file_name, content_type, file_info ): return self._post_json( api_url, 'b2_start_large_file', account_auth_token, bucketId=bucket_id, fileName=file_name, fileInfo=file_info, contentType=content_type )
[docs] def update_bucket( self, api_url, account_auth_token, account_id, bucket_id, bucket_type=None, bucket_info=None, cors_rules=None, lifecycle_rules=None, if_revision_is=None ): assert bucket_info or bucket_type kwargs = {} if if_revision_is is not None: kwargs['ifRevisionIs'] = if_revision_is if bucket_info is not None: kwargs['bucketInfo'] = bucket_info if bucket_type is not None: kwargs['bucketType'] = bucket_type if cors_rules is not None: kwargs['corsRules'] = cors_rules if lifecycle_rules is not None: kwargs['lifecycleRules'] = lifecycle_rules return self._post_json( api_url, 'b2_update_bucket', account_auth_token, accountId=account_id, bucketId=bucket_id, **kwargs )
[docs] def unprintable_to_hex(self, string): """ Replace unprintable chars in string with a hex representation. :param string: an arbitrary string, possibly with unprintable characters. :return: the string, with unprintable characters changed to hex (e.g., "\x07") """ unprintables_pattern = re.compile(r'[\x00-\x1f]') def hexify(match): return r'\x{0:02x}'.format(ord( return unprintables_pattern.sub(hexify, string)
[docs] def check_b2_filename(self, filename): """ Raise an appropriate exception with details if the filename is unusable. See for the rules. :param filename: a proposed filename in unicode :return: None if the filename is usable """ encoded_name = filename.encode('utf-8') length_in_bytes = len(encoded_name) if length_in_bytes < 1: raise UnusableFileName("Filename must be at least 1 character.") if length_in_bytes > 1024: raise UnusableFileName("Filename is too long (can be at most 1024 bytes).") lowest_unicode_value = ord(min(filename)) if lowest_unicode_value < 32: message = u"Filename \"{0}\" contains code {1} (hex {2:02x}), less than 32.".format( self.unprintable_to_hex(filename), lowest_unicode_value, lowest_unicode_value ) raise UnusableFileName(message) # No DEL for you. if '\x7f' in filename: raise UnusableFileName("DEL character (0x7f) not allowed.") if filename[0] == '/' or filename[-1] == '/': raise UnusableFileName("Filename may not start or end with '/'.") if '//' in filename: raise UnusableFileName("Filename may not contain \"//\".") long_segment = max([len(segment.encode('utf-8')) for segment in filename.split('/')]) if long_segment > 250: raise UnusableFileName("Filename segment too long (maximum 250 bytes in utf-8).")
[docs] def upload_file( self, upload_url, upload_auth_token, file_name, content_length, content_type, content_sha1, file_infos, data_stream ): """ Upload one, small file to b2. :param upload_url: the upload_url from b2_authorize_account :param upload_auth_token: the auth token from b2_authorize_account :param file_name: the name of the B2 file :param content_length: number of bytes in the file :param content_type: MIME type :param content_sha1: hex SHA1 of the contents of the file :param file_infos: extra file info to upload :param data_stream: a file like object from which the contents of the file can be read :return: """ # Raise UnusableFileName if the file_name doesn't meet the rules. self.check_b2_filename(file_name) headers = { 'Authorization': upload_auth_token, 'Content-Length': str(content_length), 'X-Bz-File-Name': b2_url_encode(file_name), 'Content-Type': content_type, 'X-Bz-Content-Sha1': content_sha1 } for k, v in six.iteritems(file_infos): headers['X-Bz-Info-' + k] = b2_url_encode(v) return self.b2_http.post_content_return_json(upload_url, headers, data_stream)
[docs] def upload_part( self, upload_url, upload_auth_token, part_number, content_length, content_sha1, data_stream ): headers = { 'Authorization': upload_auth_token, 'Content-Length': str(content_length), 'X-Bz-Part-Number': str(part_number), 'X-Bz-Content-Sha1': content_sha1 } return self.b2_http.post_content_return_json(upload_url, headers, data_stream)
[docs] def copy_file( self, api_url, account_auth_token, source_file_id, new_file_name, bytes_range=None, metadata_directive=None, content_type=None, file_info=None, destination_bucket_id=None, ): kwargs = {} if bytes_range is not None: range_dict = {} _add_range_header(range_dict, bytes_range) kwargs['range'] = range_dict['Range'] if metadata_directive is not None: assert metadata_directive in tuple(MetadataDirectiveMode) if metadata_directive is MetadataDirectiveMode.COPY and ( content_type is not None or file_info is not None ): raise InvalidMetadataDirective( 'content_type and file_info should be None when metadata_directive is COPY' ) elif metadata_directive is MetadataDirectiveMode.REPLACE and content_type is None: raise InvalidMetadataDirective( 'content_type cannot be None when metadata_directive is REPLACE' ) kwargs['metadataDirective'] = if content_type is not None: kwargs['contentType'] = content_type if file_info is not None: kwargs['fileInfo'] = file_info if destination_bucket_id is not None: kwargs['destinationBucketId'] = destination_bucket_id return self._post_json( api_url, 'b2_copy_file', account_auth_token, sourceFileId=source_file_id, fileName=new_file_name, **kwargs )
[docs]def test_raw_api(): """ Exercise the code in B2RawApi by making each call once, just to make sure the parameters are passed in, and the result is passed back. The goal is to be a complete test of B2RawApi, so the tests for the rest of the code can use the simulator. Prints to stdout if things go wrong. :return: 0 on success, non-zero on failure """ try: raw_api = B2RawApi(B2Http()) test_raw_api_helper(raw_api) return 0 except Exception: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) return 1
[docs]def test_raw_api_helper(raw_api): """ Try each of the calls to the raw api. Raise an exception if anything goes wrong. This uses a Backblaze account that is just for this test. The account uses the free level of service, which should be enough to run this test a reasonable number of times each day. If somebody abuses the account for other things, this test will break and we'll have to do something about it. """ application_key_id = os.environ.get('TEST_APPLICATION_KEY_ID') if application_key_id is None: print('TEST_APPLICATION_KEY_ID is not set.', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) application_key = os.environ.get('TEST_APPLICATION_KEY') if application_key is None: print('TEST_APPLICATION_KEY is not set.', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) realm_url = '' # b2_authorize_account print('b2_authorize_account') auth_dict = raw_api.authorize_account(realm_url, application_key_id, application_key) account_id = auth_dict['accountId'] account_auth_token = auth_dict['authorizationToken'] api_url = auth_dict['apiUrl'] download_url = auth_dict['downloadUrl'] # b2_create_key print('b2_create_key') key_dict = raw_api.create_key( api_url, account_auth_token, account_id, ['readFiles'], 'testKey', None, None, None, ) # b2_list_keys print('b2_list_keys') raw_api.list_keys(api_url, account_auth_token, account_id, 10) # b2_delete_key print('b2_delete_key') raw_api.delete_key(api_url, account_auth_token, key_dict['applicationKeyId']) # b2_create_bucket, with a unique bucket name # Include the account ID in the bucket name to be # sure it doesn't collide with bucket names from # other accounts. print('b2_create_bucket') bucket_name = 'test-raw-api-%s-%d-%d' % ( account_id, int(time.time()), random.randint(1000, 9999) ) bucket_dict = raw_api.create_bucket( api_url, account_auth_token, account_id, bucket_name, 'allPublic' ) bucket_id = bucket_dict['bucketId'] first_bucket_revision = bucket_dict['revision'] # b2_list_buckets print('b2_list_buckets') bucket_list_dict = raw_api.list_buckets(api_url, account_auth_token, account_id) # b2_get_upload_url print('b2_get_upload_url') upload_url_dict = raw_api.get_upload_url(api_url, account_auth_token, bucket_id) upload_url = upload_url_dict['uploadUrl'] upload_auth_token = upload_url_dict['authorizationToken'] # b2_upload_file print('b2_upload_file') file_name = 'test.txt' file_contents = six.b('hello world') file_sha1 = hex_sha1_of_stream(six.BytesIO(file_contents), len(file_contents)) file_dict = raw_api.upload_file( upload_url, upload_auth_token, file_name, len(file_contents), 'text/plain', file_sha1, {'color': 'blue'}, six.BytesIO(file_contents), ) file_id = file_dict['fileId'] # b2_download_file_by_id with auth print('b2_download_file_by_id (auth)') url = raw_api.get_download_url_by_id(download_url, None, file_id) with raw_api.download_file_from_url(None, account_auth_token, url) as response: data = next(response.iter_content(chunk_size=len(file_contents))) assert data == file_contents, data # b2_download_file_by_id no auth print('b2_download_file_by_id (no auth)') url = raw_api.get_download_url_by_id(download_url, None, file_id) with raw_api.download_file_from_url(None, None, url) as response: data = next(response.iter_content(chunk_size=len(file_contents))) assert data == file_contents, data # b2_download_file_by_name with auth print('b2_download_file_by_name (auth)') url = raw_api.get_download_url_by_name(download_url, None, bucket_name, file_name) with raw_api.download_file_from_url(None, account_auth_token, url) as response: data = next(response.iter_content(chunk_size=len(file_contents))) assert data == file_contents, data # b2_download_file_by_name no auth print('b2_download_file_by_name (no auth)') url = raw_api.get_download_url_by_name(download_url, None, bucket_name, file_name) with raw_api.download_file_from_url(None, None, url) as response: data = next(response.iter_content(chunk_size=len(file_contents))) assert data == file_contents, data # b2_get_download_authorization print('b2_get_download_authorization') download_auth = raw_api.get_download_authorization( api_url, account_auth_token, bucket_id, file_name[:-2], 12345 ) download_auth_token = download_auth['authorizationToken'] # b2_download_file_by_name with download auth print('b2_download_file_by_name (download auth)') url = raw_api.get_download_url_by_name(download_url, None, bucket_name, file_name) with raw_api.download_file_from_url(None, download_auth_token, url) as response: data = next(response.iter_content(chunk_size=len(file_contents))) assert data == file_contents, data # b2_list_file_names print('b2_list_file_names') list_names_dict = raw_api.list_file_names(api_url, account_auth_token, bucket_id) assert [file_name] == [f_dict['fileName'] for f_dict in list_names_dict['files']] # b2_list_file_names (start, count) print('b2_list_file_names (start, count)') list_names_dict = raw_api.list_file_names( api_url, account_auth_token, bucket_id, start_file_name=file_name, max_file_count=5 ) assert [file_name] == [f_dict['fileName'] for f_dict in list_names_dict['files']] # b2_copy_file print('b2_copy_file') copy_file_name = 'test_copy.txt' raw_api.copy_file(api_url, account_auth_token, file_id, copy_file_name) # b2_hide_file print('b2_hide_file') raw_api.hide_file(api_url, account_auth_token, bucket_id, file_name) # b2_get_file_info print('b2_get_file_info') file_info_dict = raw_api.get_file_info(api_url, account_auth_token, file_id) assert file_info_dict['fileName'] == file_name # b2_start_large_file print('b2_start_large_file') file_info = {'color': 'red'} large_info = raw_api.start_large_file( api_url, account_auth_token, bucket_id, file_name, 'text/plain', file_info ) large_file_id = large_info['fileId'] # b2_get_upload_part_url print('b2_get_upload_part_url') upload_part_dict = raw_api.get_upload_part_url(api_url, account_auth_token, large_file_id) upload_part_url = upload_part_dict['uploadUrl'] upload_path_auth = upload_part_dict['authorizationToken'] # b2_upload_part print('b2_upload_part') part_contents = six.b('hello part') part_sha1 = hex_sha1_of_stream(six.BytesIO(part_contents), len(part_contents)) raw_api.upload_part( upload_part_url, upload_path_auth, 1, len(part_contents), part_sha1, six.BytesIO(part_contents) ) # b2_list_parts print('b2_list_parts') parts_response = raw_api.list_parts(api_url, account_auth_token, large_file_id, 1, 100) assert [1] == [part['partNumber'] for part in parts_response['parts']] # b2_list_unfinished_large_files unfinished_list = raw_api.list_unfinished_large_files(api_url, account_auth_token, bucket_id) assert [file_name] == [f_dict['fileName'] for f_dict in unfinished_list['files']] assert file_info == unfinished_list['files'][0]['fileInfo'] # b2_finish_large_file # We don't upload enough data to actually finish on, so we'll just # check that the right error is returned. print('b2_finish_large_file') try: raw_api.finish_large_file(api_url, account_auth_token, large_file_id, [part_sha1]) raise Exception('finish should have failed') except Exception as e: assert 'large files must have at least 2 parts' in str(e) # b2_update_bucket print('b2_update_bucket') updated_bucket = raw_api.update_bucket( api_url, account_auth_token, account_id, bucket_id, 'allPrivate', bucket_info={'color': 'blue'} ) assert first_bucket_revision < updated_bucket['revision'] # Clean up this test. _clean_and_delete_bucket(raw_api, api_url, account_auth_token, account_id, bucket_id) # Clean up from old tests. Empty and delete any buckets more than an hour old. for bucket_dict in bucket_list_dict['buckets']: bucket_id = bucket_dict['bucketId'] bucket_name = bucket_dict['bucketName'] if _should_delete_bucket(bucket_name): print('cleaning up old bucket: ' + bucket_name) _clean_and_delete_bucket(raw_api, api_url, account_auth_token, account_id, bucket_id)
def _clean_and_delete_bucket(raw_api, api_url, account_auth_token, account_id, bucket_id): # Delete the files. This test never creates more than a few files, # so one call to list_file_versions should get them all. versions_dict = raw_api.list_file_versions(api_url, account_auth_token, bucket_id) for version_dict in versions_dict['files']: file_id = version_dict['fileId'] file_name = version_dict['fileName'] action = version_dict['action'] if action in ['hide', 'upload']: print('b2_delete_file', file_name, action) raw_api.delete_file_version(api_url, account_auth_token, file_id, file_name) else: print('b2_cancel_large_file', file_name) raw_api.cancel_large_file(api_url, account_auth_token, file_id) # Delete the bucket print('b2_delete_bucket', bucket_id) raw_api.delete_bucket(api_url, account_auth_token, account_id, bucket_id) def _should_delete_bucket(bucket_name): # Bucket names for this test look like: c7b22d0b0ad7-1460060364-5670 # Other buckets should not be deleted. match = re.match(r'^test-raw-api-[a-f0-9]+-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)', bucket_name) if match is None: return False # Is it more than an hour old? bucket_time = int( now = time.time() return bucket_time + 3600 <= now def _add_range_header(headers, range_): if range_ is not None: assert len(range_) == 2, range_ assert (range_[0] + 0) <= (range_[1] + 0), range_ # not strings assert range_[0] >= 0, range_ headers['Range'] = "bytes=%d-%d" % range_ if __name__ == '__main__': test_raw_api()